Time to read: 31 little right seconds
Indulge me. We got a new kitten and she's very right!
I'm going to get straight to the point today since y'all have full lives.
Instead of looking for what's wrong, look for what's right.
I mentioned last week that what you think and talk about shows what you care about. Change your attention, and you'll build joy and positivity. Try on these examples:
- Company reorganizing again? Try: Gives you and your colleagues something interesting to talk about….or….reorganization creates opportunities.
- Dog barks too much? Try: Your dog is lively and makes you get outside for walks….or….she's cute.
- Wrong food came to your table? Try: You get to try something new…or….How great that you know how to speak up for what you want.
- Tired of winter? Try: Cozy dinners. Reading by the fire. Skiing.
- Car accident? Try: Look for all the people who help….or…No one was injured.
Looking for what's right doesn't mean ignoring when you feel sad or when bad things happen. It means looking around to see all the things that are going right in any situation. This subtle shift in noticing will make a big difference.
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Have a great weekend, y'all!