My Solution For Everything

Time to read: 1 minute, 15 seconds

When life presents you with a problem, the temptation is to do something - schedule the meeting, email the teacher, buy the product, make the phone call, have the conversation.

I'm a recovering over-doer, and I've discovered that there's a more effective path forward.

Do nothing.

This isn't a lazy, avoidance version of do-nothing. Instead, it's a powerful choice that enables life and work to flow smoothly. Often, the fast response is motivated by avoiding discomfort. When you learn to ride the discomfort and then act from a cleaner, clearer place, your action is easier, takes less energy, and yields more effective outcomes.

Here are my favorite strategies to help you powerfully do nothing:

  • Pause. Even if it's only for a few seconds. Pausing allows your brain to come back online and buys you time when you don't know what to do next or how to respond. It's ok to sit in silence.
  • Wait. This is a souped-up version of pause. When you wait, things shift over time. You get clear. Circumstances change. When I wait, the solution presents itself without any effort and is usually much easier than whatever I would have done if I charged into doing.
  • Meditate. Mediation takes doing nothing to a whole new level. Worried about Covid? Meditate. Kid failed a test? Meditate. Deciding to quit your job? Meditate. Meditation is my go-to answer for everything these days. You'll be amazed at the wisdom you find when you sit quietly for 15 minutes.

In October, I met a woman who works in emergency management. She has seen and planned for any terrible scenario you can Imagine. She said when it comes to emergencies people think the right mindset is,"Don't just stand there, DO something!" Experts, however, teach, "Don't just do something, STAND there!" Standing there, she explained, enables to you look around, assess the situation, and proceed intentionally.


Do nothing on the path to more intention.

I'd love to hear about your experiments with doing nothing. Email me and let me know.