Setting Goals For The New Year

Time to read: 15 seconds

Adorable vintage stuff!

Even though it's been well established that I hate New Year, I still evaluate my year each January and set intentions and goals for the coming year. I recommend you bring consciousness to your life and career. Your one-word (from last week) is a great starting point.

Then set goals. Use a loose definition of goals like, intentions, areas for growth, stretches, and improvements. For example, one of my goals a few years ago was " to eat lunch every day." That is not a high-minded professional accomplishment. Instead, the goal was to learn to nourish my body. Over time, the goal grew into a realization that choosing my body helped temper my "over-perform at all costs" mentality. Even the simplest goal can lead to profound changes.

This year my most terrifying goal is "take time to read (without freaking out)." I love reading and usually only do it for a few seconds before I drop asleep at night. This goal requires me to learn to "do nothing" (my belief) and stop believing I have to strive all day to earn the right to sit. Honestly, even writing about reading quietly makes my stomach hurt. Clearly, this is a worthy stretch for me.

What's your terrifying goal for 2025?