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My kitchen table office complete with seed packets, mail, and other sundry distractions
Today in the Corporate Rebel Daily, folks described how hard it is to stay productive while working from home in uncertain times. This group works across the country, in different industries, and is a font of practical and meaningful suggestions.
With their permission, here is wisdom from the hive:
- Move your body: Regular exercise, yoga, dog walks - anything that gets your blood flowing. It doesn't have to be fancy or strenuous.
- Change the scenery: Work in a new room in your house, go for a drive, work outside, or in bed. Change your perspective to keep yourself creative.
- Get outside: Nature makes all the difference. As one person put it, "You can't be down when you're watching birds at the bird feeder."
- Feel your feelings: If you're exhausted, feeling lost or find yourself staring unproductively at the same spreadsheet, your systems are likely clogged with unexpressed emotion. Have a good cry. Rage in your basement. Welcome your fear. The goal is to experience your feelings. Don't empower them or let them run your day.
- Lower the bar: As one Daily participant put it, "I used to have a list of 10 things to do to feel good about my day. Now if I get my top 1-2 things done, I feel great." For many reasons (mental load, kids at home, systems issues) you will not get as much done working from home. That's ok.
- Structure a routine: And make sure it includes lots of breaks. Nothing will kill your focus like back-to-back Zoom meetings. One Daily-er said she blocks work time on her calendar as no-Zoom zones. Another person takes 3 walks a day with his wife and dogs.
- Take advantage of your best work hours: If you're a night owl, do your projects at night. If you're most creative first thing in the morning, take advantage of that. If you come alive at 2:00, save your most important work for the afternoon.
- Strike while the iron is hot: When you feel motivated to work, work! (with appropriate breaks) Then when you feel done, walk away. Acknowledge when you've done enough.
Whew. That's a long list. It's 6:00 pm and I'm turning into a "safe-at-home" pumpkin. Writing this took the last ounce of my energy for today. I've done enough.
You have, too.
I hope this helps.
P.S. People report that they love these free resources. In fact, my mother-in-law in a different state received the Rebels at Home Challenge from her financial planner who I don't know. Please share them with all the people you know.
1. Rebels at Home Challenge This challenge is a series of eight 3-minute daily video exercises to uplift you and help you find your place in this global pandemic. And it will give you something new to talk about at your next Zoom happy hour. Sign up here.
2. The Unconventional Guide to Working from Home: This is a downloadable pdf of practical tips and big picture strategies to help you be efficient, focused and effective at home. Click to download the pdf here.