Challenge #6: Yes!

Time to read: Short and fun!

Welcome to week 6 of your summer challenge!

You said no and you've quit! Yay you.

Now you have extra time and energy in your life. Your reward is the chance to say YES!

A friend of mine told me something she heard about fashion choices. If a piece of clothing isn't a Hell Yes! then it's a Hell No! So this week, I want you to look for the Hell Yes to yourself.

Maybe it's a new outfit or spending time in your garden or picking up an old hobby or starting a new one. Maybe it's asking for a challenging project at work or organizing a party. Whatever it is, feel into the energy of Yes! and go for it.

Then email me and tell me all about it. Even better, send photos! I love to hear from you.

If you're enjoying this challenge, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is sign up here.


Challenge #5: Quit!

Time to read: short, sweet and oh so effective

Welcome to week 5 of your summer challenge!

I hope you said no to lots of things last week and cleared time and space in your life and work. This week, we're amping up your NO

Here is your 5th challenge.


Quitting gets a bad rap. How many times have you heard, "Don't be a quitter." When you quit something to honor yourself, quitting is good.

It can be hard to go back on something you already agreed to so pay attention to the pull to please people or put their needs before your own. It is ok to change your mind or make a new decision.

Consider cancelling plans with friends in order to have quiet time at home. Quit a volunteer role that has become dull and flat. Quit being the one who makes all the plans.

If you need a script for how to quit, try words like these,

  • "I am reprioritizing, and have decided...."
  • "I've decided I need more time at home so I'm going to stop...."
  • "I feel ackward about this since I already said yes, and...."

Quitting will help you clean up how you use your time and energy so you have room for things that nourish you.

If you're enjoying this challenge, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is sign up here.

You're a quitter! Yay!


Challenge #4: Say No

Time to read: short, sweet and oh so effective

Welcome to week 4 of your summer challenge!

If you discovered a wonderful new breakfast last week, please email me. I'd love to hear your ideas.

Here is your fourth challenge.

Say no to something. Or many somethings.

This week, pay attention when you feel yourself pulled to say yes when you really want to say no. Maybe you don't have time or the ask isn't in your wheelhouse. You also get to say no just because you don't want to. (Imagine that!)

When you say no, you clear energy and time for the things you do want to do. Say no enough and your life will be designed around your preferences and desires. Imagine if you say no all summer!

If you're enjoying this challenge, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is sign up here.

When you say no, feel free to email me and tell me all about it. I always love to hear from you!


Challenge #3: Rest and Refresh

Time to read: 45 seconds to read. Doing this challenge will give you time

Welcome to week 3 of your Summer challenge!

Like last week's challenge - EAT, this week is about caring for your human body.

The research is clear. You need SLEEP.

Sleep is often the first thing you sacrifice in order to cram in a few extra emails or tend to the laundry. Perhaps you worry in the night or wake up early. Whatever is getting in the way of your sleep, do something about it.

Getting enough sleep will, quite literally, change your life.

Here are the best tips for getting good sleep:

  • Stick to a sleep routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
  • Turn off screens 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Do quiet, relaxing things in the evening. It's not the time to read stressful news or argue with your spouse.
  • If you feel like something physical impairs your sleep, like apnea, hormones or other health issues, talk to your doctor.

You are worth investing in your sleep and making it a priority. Getting enough sleep is probably the quickest path to more energy and less stress.

If you're already feeling refreshed, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is sign up for this newsletter to be part of the fun. They can sign up here.

If you have something you'd like me to address in this challenge, please reach out. Tell me the thing you'd like to shift, and I'll add a challenge tailored for you (and you can bet others need it, too!).

Have fun getting your zzzzz's this weekend!


Challenge #2: Nourish Your Body

Time to read: 45 seconds to read. Doing this challenge will give you time

Welcome to week 2 of your Summer challenge!

I hope you enjoyed your first challenge - choosing EASE. (If you missed last week and want to understand the goal and structure of this challenge, scroll down to the P.P.S. for more info.)

Here is your second challenge.

Nourish your body. For many years, I was so involved in my work, I forgot to eat. By evening, I was starving and depleted. This routine became a habit until one day I wondered if I needed to feel this crappy.

Guess what? You don't. The solution is easy,


So, for this week's challenge, you have some options, all of which involve eating. If you skip breakfast, try adding something to your morning - toast, an egg, fruit. My husband discovered overnight oats and eating those every morning has profoundly changed how my body feels all day.

If you skip lunch, commit to eating during the day.

You are a human with a body and your body needs fuel. So, this week, eat consistently and see how you feel.

If you're already feeling refreshed, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is sign up for this newsletter to be part of the fun. They can sign up here.

If you have something you'd like me to address in this challenge, please reach out. Tell me the thing you'd like to shift, and I'll add a challenge tailored for you (and you can bet others need it, too!).

P.S. If you love this challenge, your friends and colleagues will, too. Share this link with them so they can join us!

P.P.S. Each week, an easy challenge will arrive in your inbox. Each activity/change/new perspective will be easy to implement alongside your regular life, meaning you don't have to buy special equipment or add to your mental load.

You may already be doing some of the things. Some may be new. You may choose to do some and not others. You might do some for one day and repeat others until they integrate into habits.

I encourage you to do as many as you can to get the most out of this experience. You have a week to practice and some will stick with you all summer and perhaps forever.

Many small shifts over the course of the summer will add up to profound change - healthier habits, feeling good in your body, and a calmer mind.