Exhausted? Foggy? Here's What's Happening...

Time to read: Less than a minute


How are you doing around 5:00?

I bet you find yourself reaching for a glass of wine, exhausted, barely able to put two sentences together. Without the wine, that's exactly what I'm like every evening.




On the Corporate Rebel Daily call, everyone does a two-word check-in about how they feel in that moment. Lately words like, "weary," "exhausted," and "tired" have been popular.

What the heck is going on? We have more free time. We aren't rushing around. We're eating meals at home. It seems like we should be better rested, not worse.

Here's the answer. It's called allostatic load. Read about that here. The executive summary is that your brain is working on overdrive even if your body isn't. One of my coaches, Ann Betz, used the apt metaphor of your cell phone: All the apps and systems run down the battery even if you're not using your phone.

That is your brain right now.

You have stress and anxiety running in your operating system which explains why you can only handle The Bachelor after 6:00 and can barely muster the energy to pull yourself off the couch to go to bed.

The danger is that you start to feel that it is your inadequacy that causes you to be so tired. Now you know that allostatic load is a real thing and has nothing to do with your character or abilities. So, enjoy the Bachelor and take care of yourself.

I hope this helps.


P.S. Here are two free resources to help you and yours during this challenging time. Spread them around and enjoy!

1. Rebels at Home Challenge: This challenge is a series of eight 3-minute daily video exercises to uplift you and help you find your place in this global pandemic. And it will give you something new to talk about at your next Zoom happy hour. Sign up here.

2. The Unconventional Guide to Working from Home: This is a downloadable pdf of practical tips and big picture strategies to help you be efficient, focused and effective at home. Click to download the pdf here.


Help! Working From Home is Killing My Productivity! 8 Tips to Keep You On Track

Reading this newsletter? 1.5 minutes Getting more done today? Priceless

My kitchen table office complete with seed packets, mail, and other sundry distractions

My kitchen table office complete with seed packets, mail, and other sundry distractions

Today in the Corporate Rebel Daily, folks described how hard it is to stay productive while working from home in uncertain times. This group works across the country, in different industries, and is a font of practical and meaningful suggestions.

With their permission, here is wisdom from the hive:

  1. Move your body: Regular exercise, yoga, dog walks - anything that gets your blood flowing. It doesn't have to be fancy or strenuous.

  2. Change the scenery: Work in a new room in your house, go for a drive, work outside, or in bed. Change your perspective to keep yourself creative.

  3. Get outside: Nature makes all the difference. As one person put it, "You can't be down when you're watching birds at the bird feeder."

  4. Feel your feelings: If you're exhausted, feeling lost or find yourself staring unproductively at the same spreadsheet, your systems are likely clogged with unexpressed emotion. Have a good cry. Rage in your basement. Welcome your fear. The goal is to experience your feelings. Don't empower them or let them run your day.

  5. Lower the bar: As one Daily participant put it, "I used to have a list of 10 things to do to feel good about my day. Now if I get my top 1-2 things done, I feel great." For many reasons (mental load, kids at home, systems issues) you will not get as much done working from home. That's ok.

  6. Structure a routine: And make sure it includes lots of breaks. Nothing will kill your focus like back-to-back Zoom meetings. One Daily-er said she blocks work time on her calendar as no-Zoom zones. Another person takes 3 walks a day with his wife and dogs.

  7. Take advantage of your best work hours: If you're a night owl, do your projects at night. If you're most creative first thing in the morning, take advantage of that. If you come alive at 2:00, save your most important work for the afternoon.

  8. Strike while the iron is hot: When you feel motivated to work, work! (with appropriate breaks) Then when you feel done, walk away. Acknowledge when you've done enough.

Whew. That's a long list. It's 6:00 pm and I'm turning into a "safe-at-home" pumpkin. Writing this took the last ounce of my energy for today. I've done enough.

You have, too.

I hope this helps.


P.S. People report that they love these free resources. In fact, my mother-in-law in a different state received the Rebels at Home Challenge from her financial planner who I don't know. Please share them with all the people you know.

1. Rebels at Home Challenge This challenge is a series of eight 3-minute daily video exercises to uplift you and help you find your place in this global pandemic. And it will give you something new to talk about at your next Zoom happy hour. Sign up here.

2. The Unconventional Guide to Working from Home: This is a downloadable pdf of practical tips and big picture strategies to help you be efficient, focused and effective at home. Click to download the pdf here.


The Who's Down in Whoville Like Christmas A Lot... What?!

Time to read: 46 seconds

I know this is a Christmas show. Bear with me. I'm making a point.

I know this is a Christmas show. Bear with me. I'm making a point.

It's hard to know what to say during this pandemic, the appropriate balance of acknowledging the pain and devastation and shining light in the darkness. Today takes you toward light with my favorite cartoon.

The Grinch is my #1 favorite show of all time. When I was in second grade, I painted the Grinch on the library wall at my school. I've watched the show every Christmas for 52 years (assuming I watched it as a baby which is doubtful given my organic-food-limited-TV-no-sugar-1970s parents).

Anyway, the whole point of the Grinch is that this dude called the Grinch steals all the trappings of Christmas from the happy little Who's. When they arise on Christmas morning, everything is gone - food, toys, trees, decorations. The Grinch expects that he has crushed their spirits and listens to hear their cries of anguish.

And what do the Who's do?

They sing.

They stand in a circle and sing. This story speaks to the power of the Who human spirit. The message: your spirt is stronger than the trappings of your life.

In this time when you have been stripped of all the features of your life - volunteer activities, social events, shopping, maybe work, school, even planning for the future, your spirit remains powerful. Your spirit is never for sale, and it can't be compromised.

So, today, I wish you confidence of spirit. You are stronger than the circumstances that surround you. Lean into that spirit to find what you need.

Then sing.

I hope this helps.


P.S. I wanted to make sure you see the free resources I've created to help you navigate these challenging times. Please pass them around to your people.

1. The Corporate Rebel Daily: We're in the 4th week of meeting every morning at 9:00 CT, M-F. A vibrant community shows up each day, and people report feeling uplifted, connected, and calm. You only have to join once, and then come whenever you can. Bathrobes and hoodies welcome. Sign up to get the Zoom link here.

2. Rebels at Home Challenge: This challenge is a series of eight 3-minute daily video exercises to uplift you and help you find your place in this global pandemic. And it will give you something new to talk about at your next Zoom happy hour. Sign up here.

3. The Unconventional Guide to Working from Home: This is a downloadable pdf of practical tips and big picture strategies to help you be efficient, focused and effective at home. Click to download the pdf here.


When Will Things Go Back To "Normal?"

Time to read: Less than one minute


The short answer to the question is, it won't. "Normal" as we once knew it is never coming back. So in the face of upheaval, what is a Corporate Rebel to do?

Imagine these scenarios:

You don't like your boss. You complain about her and wake up every morning wishing you had a different boss.


You have a teen who doesn't talk to you about his life. You ask questions and dig for information but you never get any.


The company you work for has been acquired. The business is not doing well and your work days are chaotic. You hate it.


A viral pandemic is sweeping the planet and you are trying to work from home, maybe with little kids underfoot, worrying about your loved ones. You just want life to go back to "normal."

Each of these is an example of resistance. Resistance looks like this: wishing for something different and pushing to change things that never change. The energy of resistance puts tremendous stress on you and leaves you depleated.

So what is a rebel to do?

The answer is simple: Acceptance

Acceptance doesn't mean resignation. Accepting something means seeing the truth. It means understanding that something is what it is. Acceptance means getting honest about reality.

When you accept, you drop the fight. You free your energy. Once you accept things as they are, then you can find the path forward. Then you can find opportunity.

Acceptance in all things is one of my goals for 2020 and thank goodness as I've needed it a lot in the past few weeks.

Do this quick exercise: Consider a situation that makes you stressed... like... I don't know... being stuck at home trying to work while homeschooling your kids? Find one thing you can accept in the situation and truly, honestly accept it. Watch what happens.

Then email me and tell me all about it or post to the Corporate Rebel HQ. I love to hear from you.

I've been brainstorming how best to serve you during this challenging time and I'm working quickly on some free resources to help you be productive and calm while working from home.

Coming Soon! The Corporate Rebel's Unconventional Guide to Working from Home AND a Work from Home Challenge. Stay tuned!

The Corporate Rebel Daily, a free 30-minute check-in at 9:00 CT, has been tremendous. It's a positive start to your day and you are welcome to join anytime. Sign up once, join when you can.

With rebel love,


P.S. Love the Corporate Rebel? Invite your friends to join. They can join us here.