Words To Last a Lifetime

Time to read: 26 seconds

Indiana Jones and the Bridge of Faith

One of my clients has been walking through the fire for a couple of months in order to clean up some old stuff and prepare for an exciting career move.

During our session this week, she told me how peaceful, calm, and confident she feels now. Doors are opening, and now she has the clarity and capacity to move forward. She started acknowledging me and thanking me for my help. I love a good compliment as much as anyone, and as she spoke, it became clear, she was not talking about me. She was talking about herself.

The words that poured from her were so profound, I asked if I could share them with you. Clearly, she said yes because here are her words.

"I put my faith in the person I know and the person I trust. I walked off the cliff and knew someone would catch me. I closed my eyes, put my foot out, and the bridge was there."

That is wisdom to last a lifetime.

Please email me and tell me what her quote means to you. I always love to hear from you.

Have a great weekend.


Do This. It Makes Everything Better.

Time to read: 15 seconds

My daughter recently told me that I have no "chill." I prefer to think of myself as energetic and productive. And, she has a point.

Where are you on the scale of chill to energetic?

Regardless of where you are on the scale, I have something for you to try, something highly scientific and skilled that will take weeks to master.


Here it is.

Lie down.

That's it. Simply lie down. The couch is a pretty good place although I can also recommend the floor. Rather wonderful things happen including rest, meditation, reading, dog love, and a cat on your stomach. Oh, and you become more productive when you take a break, Who knew?!

I feel like I've discovered something under-rated among the type-As and kept highly secret among those of you with "chill." Your secret is out, and it's marvelous.

Be well. Now you know what to do with your weekend. Have fun!


The Power of Changing Your Focus

Time to read: 56 seconds

Change Your Focus

Change Your Focus

I spent last week working at a spa in Mexico called Rancho La Puerta. (If you've been to The Ranch, email me!) I love teaching coaching classes, hiking, eating vegetables, sleeping, hip-hop dancing and doing sound healing.

I arrived depleted. Exhausted. Anxious. (Can you relate?)

I left hopeful. Calm. Renewed. (You can have this, too without crossing a border or buying anything.)

How can you duplicate this transformation from the comfort of your couch and neighborhood?

Here's what you do: Change what you pay attention to. Decide what you want to make real in your life. What do you talk about? What do you notice? What do you think about? What do you do with your time?

If the answer to those questions is worry, read news, and check items off your to-do list…well…how do those things affect your inner landscape? For many of you, those things equal stress.

Changing your focus is easy:

  • talk about something you love
  • spend time in an interesting conversation
  • take your headphones out and listen to the birds on your dog walk
  • cook tasty food
  • call an old friend
  • find what's right in the people and situations in your life rather than what's wrong

You have more power than you realize to determine your daily experiences. Tune your awareness and suddenly, you'll see that a beautiful reality exists alongside the ugly one. The beautiful reality is just as real (and maybe more real) than the stressed-out one.

Be well and have a good weekend.


How to Connect to What's Most Important to You

Time to read: 47.5 seconds.

Get Out of the Box! (Get it?)

Get Out of the Box! (Get it?)

If the past two years have taught us anything, it's that life is too short to be stuck. The world is a wild and wonderful place. You spend a lot of time at work. (I was going to say "at the office," but we all know how that's gone). You crave impact. You crave meaning. You have one amazing life to live. With a solid toolbox, you can make every minute at work and home count.

If you're feeling stuck or wishing you had more impact or you just feel a little lost in it all and want to find your way back, let's talk. The Clarity U group coaching program starts at the end of October, and we're inviting the Clarity U class of 2022 to join us. Maybe that's you!

Here are a few of the things that have happened for graduates of Clarity U:

  • new jobs
  • becoming happy at old jobs
  • sudden connections to famous people
  • retirement
  • new relationships
  • promotions
  • career changes
  • new babies

All of these outward accomplishments are a direct reflection of the inner shifts that happen in Clarity U. Our graduates express it better than I do:

    "In Clarity U, I discovered what I like about me, and I am creating a life as unique as I am." - PW

    "I use my Clarity U tools on a daily basis. The work was more valuable to me than a lifetime of therapy. I only wish I had done it 20 years ago. I am deeply grateful for the gifts that Christina and Anne shared with me. They are insightful and honest and two of the warmest and most encouraging people I have ever had the honor to know." - EG

Choose a time here for a 30-minute chat about what's going on, what's important to you, and whether Clarity U is the next step on your way bigger and better things in work and life. I can't wait to connect!