What's Going On? It's Fall!πŸ‚

Time to read: 46 seconds

In my Corporate Rebel Masters group (graduates of my programs), we talked about liminal space and the discomfort of uncertainty.

Most simply put liminal space is space between things. It's the space between one identity and another, between daybreak and morning, between summer and winter, between one administration and the next.

There is a seasonality to the discomfort. Fall is a liminal season. Plants die and trees shed. We say goodbye to summer. Even if you live in Southern California, kids return to school and things just "feel different." You're not in summer and not in winter. You're in between.

People tell me they feel anxious or sad in the uncertainty. In the US, we have a charged election and too many other things to list. It seems normal to feel agitated and anxious in this in-between place. We know how things were. We don't yet know how they are going to be.

The human brain hates uncertainty. In the next few weeks, I'll share the wisdom from CR Masters about what to do, how to care for yourself and others in this uncomfortable in-between place.

Keep reading. If you have friends who are anxious and uncomfortable please point them here. They can subscribe and join the conversation here..