Time to read: 46 seconds
I promise this is not staged
A client named Leslie retired on December 30, 2022 and is moving to her dream city to start her new life. We've worked together in Clarity U for 2.5 years so I've had the honor of witnessing her transformation from fear (Will I have enough money? Who am I without my career?) to joy. (I'm moving to Santa Fe! I have a new house!)
On a group call today, she offered her writing and inspired today's pracitice to change the world.
Embrace change
The fact is, everything changes. When you welcome change, life becomes easier. I hope you are as inspired as I am by Leslie's beautiful words:
What falls away as I age to reveal the beauty in the now.
- Striving becomes being
- Planning becomes allowing
- Impatience becomes contentment
- Hurrying becomes peaceM
- Achieving becomes loving what is
- Wanting becomes accepting
- Yearning becomes insight into what is important
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello, World!