If you are like my clients (hi clients!), your life is full, you are busy, and you can be hard on yourself sometimes (maybe constantly). This week, I give you the gift of space, time and compassion.
As humans we crave these things. My clients work toward these things. Your children demand them (if you’re listening). Your relationships need them. Your best self and your work want them. And they can be elusive in our world. Here's what I mean:
Space: A free mind, a warm blanket, your couch, becoming unattached from your own expectations so you can enjoy the unfolding of your life.
Time: Full permission not to do anything. Even for a few minutes (see specific instructions below).
Compassion: For yourself and your humanness. For others.
Pema Chodron, a wise Buddhist teacher says, “A thoroughly good relationship with ourselves results in being still, which doesn’t mean we don’t run and jump and dance about. It means there’s no compulsiveness. We don’t overwork, overeat, oversmoke, overseduce. In short we begin to stop causing harm (to ourselves).”
These instructions will teach you about Bonus Time and how to use it:
This week’s newsletter is short so you can have Bonus Time (time you were prepared to do something else – like read this newsletter - that you can now use to give yourself space and compassion).
Stop right now and give yourself one minute of silence. Yes, you. Yes, now, while sitting at your computer. Before you jump to one more email: Stop. Breathe. And Be.
That's it.
P.S. When you have more Bonus Time, hit reply to this email and tell me how you used your minute. Be honest.
The Gift of Space, Time and Compassion
Photo of the recent amazing space event (eclipse), courtesy of my 12-year-old daughter)