I've run out of clever job search photos. So here's one of my dog.
Welcome to week 3 of Job Searching for Corporate Rebels!
When I talk to job seekers (or people who want to be promoted or considered for new opportunities), I talk about building momentum.
The fact is, what you think about, talk about, and do grows.
If you complain or bellyache that there are no jobs out there, you'll get more of that result.
If you think and talk about what you want, and you take action toward it, you will get more.
Be patient. Building momentum takes time. Finding a job takes time. You will likely not get an immediate job offer. That doesn't mean you're failing.
Job hunting is not a feel-good activity. You face a lot of rejection and effort that seems pointless. It's not pointless. Every step you take leads to another step and feeds the energy of forward movement and momentum.
So, talk about what you're looking for with everyone and anyone. If you don't know exactly what you're looking for, talk about that. Everyone has been there and will have stories to share.
Today's Hot Tip: If you wonder if you should apply, the answer is always yes. (Assuming it's a job you want. If you don't want it, the answer is no). Nothing is lost by submitting an application. The time you invest refines your ability to talk about yourself and what you are looking for. I'll say it again, every step builds momentum.
Next week, I'll talk about networking. I hate the word and bet many of you do, too. I'll break it down and make it more fun. Stay tuned.
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