Time to read:
Hydroponic herbs. A perfect example of more with less.
An amazing thing happened this week. I did less and got more.
Before you scream, "Not the phrase 'do more with less," read on. This isn't a ploy to cut your resources.
Here's the story: I do strategic planning sessions for each person in my Clarity U group program. To prepare for the session, participants answer a set of reflection questions, send me their answers, and I prepare before we talk. My preparation involves reading their reflections multiple times and crafting a series of questions to draw out the core of their goals. The prep takes 30 minutes to more than an hour.
I had two strategic sessions today, and both clients submitted their materials a minute before our call. So, I arrived unprepared. Both sessions were deep, meaningful, and revealed exactly what the clients needed in order to establish their purpose for a year in Clarity U.
Upon reflection later, the truth is, "unprepared" is incorrect. I had believed I needed to work hard, put in the effort in order to bring value and be "ready" to help my clients. Instead, something more powerful happened.
- I entered the conversation with no preconceived notions about the person from reading their materials. Everything I learned was in the moment and brought up directly in the session.
- We trusted our relationship and our shared wisdom.
- Because I didn't have any planned questions, the clients led the call. They started where they wanted and determined the course of the conversation.
- We got to the purpose of their reason for Clarity U swiftly and efficiently, and they left with exactly what they needed.
I'm a recovering over-performer and thought I had mitigated most, if not all, of my over-performing tendencies. Then here it was today, by necessity, I did less. And the end result was so much more.
I leave you with a challenge: Find a place in your life where you can do/prepare/perform/plan less and instead, trust/relate/listen/connect more.
I hope this helps.
Reach out anytime. I always love to hear from you. Email me here