Today Is One Word (Plus a few more)

Time to read: 10 seconds

Last week I invited you to consider where you have fun and where you can have more. This week, here is a place to look to expand your fun.

What did you like to do as a child?

Did you like to day dream? Play fantasy games? Build things? Have tea parties? Collect? Look waaaay back and find hints to fun activities you might want to bring back into your life, maybe in new ways.

When I was a child, I spent hours and hours in my grandparent's attic, digging through boxes, enjoying the treasure hunt and the beautiful old things. I used to wonder if digging through attics could be a job. As I grew up, I forgot about it.

Fast forward 45 years. A side hustle has grown up around my hobby of vintage costume jewelry. I'm now sourcing vintage items to order for friends and neighbors. I dig through the grandma's attic at estate sales to find the treasures for other people. It's a blast. My old childhood play has transformed into a new adult joy.

What did you do as a child? I can't wait to hear all about it! Email me


Today Is One Word (plus a few more)

I have been thinking about one word for you, me, and my clients.


If you are having fun, how can you have more? If you are not having fun, what can you change to breathe more fun into your life and work?

It could look like this:

  • Bake cupcakes for the office
  • Have hat day on a Zoom meeting (When I worked for a big medical device manufacturer, we actually did have hat day on our team to celebrate the completion of every big project.)
  • Write notes to people telling them how much you appreciate them.
  • Bring someone a surprise gift. (This is a personal favorite!)

As always, please write to me and tell me all about your fun. Email me You're the best!