Do One Tiny Thing #2

Time to read: so short. Time to do the thing: 7-9 hours

My favorite!

Welcome to tiny change #2. Sleep.

Sleep is a crowd pleaser. You love it, right? Research shows that we are chronically sleep-deprived as you squeeze one more hour of productivity out of the day or stress keeps you awake at night.

You can easily make one tiny change to your sleep routine to promote longer and more satisfying sleep. You already know how much better you feel after a good night's rest so the ROI on sleep is obvious.

Here are some ideas:

  • Go to bed one hour earlier. Or 30-minutes earlier. Or 15 if that's all you can manage.
  • Try a sleep meditation. I like the 10% Happier App. Calm is another good one.
  • Spray your pillow with lavender oil.
  • Try a weighted blanket.
  • Experiment with time to wind down in the evening. Put down your phone an hour before bed. Read. Do quiet things.

In terms of bang for your buck, getting enough sleep does wonders for your mood, focus and ability to get things done.

Tell us all about your tiny sleep action in the Corporate Rebel HQ Facebook group. Comment or join here.

You know what you'll be doing this weekend! Have fun.


Do This One Tiny Thing #1

Time to read: 32 seconds. Time to do the tiny thing: 0



Here at the Corporate Rebel, we prioritize ease. My clients's lives are full so their coaching efforts must deliver the biggest bang for their buck. For the next 5 weeks, I'm going to share 5 fundamental strategies to help you get big results from small changes.

I invite you to make one tiny change each week in each of five areas. When you do, your efforts will add up and lead to more calm, energy and clarity.

Here's the first area: Nutrition.

Food = fuel. You already know everything there is to know about nutrition. Now it's time to make one small change in your eating habits to support your energy-level, focus and productivity. (Think about how hard it is to get stuff done when you're hungry.)

Here are some suggestions:

  • I used to "forget" to eat lunch. A couple of years ago, I committed to eating lunch every day.
  • Drop one cup of coffee.
  • If you're not a breakfast eater, try eating a little breakfast.
  • Add a salad to your dinner menu.
  • Add a piece of fruit to your afternoon snack.
  • Think of the next five weeks as a little mini-challenge (with a break for Thanksgiving). Make one small change each week. Easy peasy.

You'll get a big bang for your buck.

If you have a minute, post your action to The Corporate Rebel HQ Facebook group. Comment (or join) here. The simple act of sharing your commitment with others ensures your accountability and success.

Have a great weekend!


Want More Opportunity?

Time to read: 26 seconds

Toggle Back and Forth


Here are things I regularly hear from new clients:

  • "I've been promoted to a big new job and feel under water."
  • "I feel stuck in the same old, same old and am not sure how to move forward."
  • "I'm excited about my new role and am not sure what to do."

I see a predictable pattern in careers whether you are a vice-president, business analyst, academic, entrepreneur, or teacher. Your growth as a person and your career opportunities toggle back and forth.

  • When you take on a new role, your development has to catch up.
  • Once your capacity expands, new opportunities appear.

On an ideal career path, you know when your role has grown past your capacity (and it's time to build more) and when your capacity has grown beyond your role.

I'm sure you've worked with bosses whose growth stalled after a promotion and never grew effectively into leadership. These folks become ineffective and frustrating leaders.

You probably also know people who stayed too long in a role that was too small for their capacity. These folks complain a lot, become "over cooked," and burn out.

Self-awareness is key to avoiding either of these extreme and undesirable outcomes. Take a look at your career today. Are you in a capacity building phase in order to stretch into your role or are you starting to feel itchy to expand your opportunities?

Knowing where you are will help you invest your time and effort wisely to get the outcomes you want. Managing this toggle will keep your career in balance and keep you on a path of momentum and fulfillment.

Make sense?

Have a great week!