Time to read: 40 seconds
If you're making choices, choose what's important to you, like Adventure!
I was talking with a client today about choices. She's in a tough situation that leaves her feeling powerless and isn't likely to change anytime soon. The challenge for her: to stay empowered and at choice even when so much feels out of her control.
So how do you stay empowered and at choice when things are out of your control?
The lesson is summed up in this poignant quote from writer, Annie Dilliard:
"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."
You make choices every day - about how to respond in traffic, to be on time to meet a friend (or not), to show up to your child's soccer game (or not), to be annoyed after a meeting (or not). We all know people who seem bound and determined to be unhappy. And others who find happiness and gratitude even in the face of unbelievable hardship.
Your small choices matter, every minute of every day.
- They matter to you. (Are you truly choosing according to what's important to you or are you choosing based on some sense of what you "should" choose or from a reactive emotional place?)
- They matter to the people around you. (What are you modeling for your employees or your children?).
- They matter to the world. (What is the energy you are projecting out into the wider world? Is it the energy you want to project?)
Life isn't always easy, and you don't always get what you want. You do, however, get to choose, every day, how you will navigate the cards you have been dealt.
And that, dear Corporate Rebel, is how you create the life you want. One choice at a time.
With rebel love,