Time to read: 36 seconds
Beautiful vintage things are more fun than boring stock photos of office workers.
Last week I talked about your integrity and how it's never for sale. For all you perfectionists, this week is for you.
Yes, behave with integrity. And you are human. You will screw up. You will do something deliberately or accidentally that is out of integrity. At this point, many people do one of two things:
- You double down and convince yourself that what you did is in integrity. It's amazing how the human mind can bend to make yourself feel good. (Even though you likely don't actually feel good. You just convince yourself you do.)
- Become self-critical about everything you do wrong and what a terrible person you are.
Neither of these stances is helpful. #1 keeps you out of integrity and creates separation from yourself and others. #2 is a good distraction from your actual integrity. There is a 3rd option.
Take responsibility for yourself. Admit your fault. Seek repair. Clean up your mess.
It's uncomfortable and hard and the only path to actually feeling good and staying in your integrity. I've called the office back when I lost my shit. I've apologized and moved over when I realized I cut in line. If I can't repair it with the actual person, I talk about it so I can be more conscious the next time. I hate doing these things. And I love doing these things.
Integrity isn't a rigid stance. It's a constant awareness and refinement and monitoring and correcting.
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