You've heard the adage, "there's no such thing as a free lunch," right?
IMHO this is a rather cynical perspective that there is an ulterior motive behind acts of generosity and kindness, especially from a corporation. I am happy to report that there actually is a free lunch, literally. And I'm going to help you find your free lunch, even if it doesn't come in the form of food.
I am coaching and doing team development for a company that actually offers free lunch. For all their employees. Like, you walk into their cafeteria and fill your plate with fresh salad, hot soup, entrees and soft serve ice cream. As much as you want, for FREE. I've never seen anything like it in all my corporate years!
Munching on some delicious chicken salad got me thinking about you.
Sometimes it's hard to see the free lunch that is right in front of you. I know. I know. Some of you are going to write to me and say that you pay for your "free lunch" with your time and talent. (I count on hearing from you!)
Of course, you do. That is the employment contract. You work. We pay you.
Consider this: You can choose to see the benefits of that contract through a lens of scarcity and cynicism (i.e. what you don't get, what you deserve and are not getting, how you are stuck) or you can see it from generosity and gratitude (i.e. how your life is easier, "I can't believe I get _____!" How you are always free to make a different choice.)
Here are some contenders for your free lunch. See if one of these is yours or sparks your gratitude cells:
- You can visit the doctor whenever you want because you have health insurance. Even better if the company covers your family. (As someone who was self insured for many years, I can tell you the free lunch of insurance is pretty awesome.)
- You have the flexibility to leave the office for appointments or your child's holiday pageant.
- You get to work out during the day.
- You get bonuses or spot awards or cool little gifts for years of service.
- Paid professional development.
- Affinity groups.
- Great colleagues.
- Collaboration.
- Making a contribution in your industry.
- Selling a product and/or service that brings people pleasure and/or changes lives.
Sometimes in the bustle and stress of working life, it's easy to stop seeing the generous and kind things that happen to you every day. What free lunch is right in front of you?
Have a great week!
P.S. If you love the Corporate Rebel Unplugged Video Podcast and Newsletter, please share it with some friends. Next week you'll get an interview with a woman who will show you how easy it is to live and work from pure joy, even when things are hard. Your friends can join our merry little tribe here.