Time to read: one and a half minutes
This is central to my brand.
Hello Rebels!
I came of age in the era when the message to young women was, "You can have it all." You can be a mom, hold down a fabulous, meaningful job, make contributions in your community, and still make it to yoga class. (Oh, and you can be hot in the bedroom and cook great meals, too.) I really believed it.
Then life happened. I had the fabulous job, the two kids, the great partner, the house, and a couple of vacations a year. I discovered as my children got older, things got harder. I was surprised to discover that they needed me more, not less as they aged out of babyhood. And now, as young teens, my presence as a parent is needed even more. These realizations and my own desire to be present for my children, has required me to make professional sacrifices - to leave a lucrative corporate job and now, to manage the amount of work I do at any one time for my business.
Recently, at a corporate gig that I do every year, I was reminded of this article entitled "Why Women Still Can't Have it All." (My husband pointed out that no one can have it all, even men. Yes, very true. Thank you, honey.)
This article is smart. Smarter than I'll ever be. If you are a woman, if you love women, if you're a mother or you ever had a mother, it's a great read.
One thing that struck me in this article is the way the author talks about how high-powered professional women have downplayed or outright hidden, the importance of their family priorities in order to maintain an image as a "professional." The author and many other women leaders challenge the notion that professionals - both women and men - have to hide when they leave the office early for a baseball game or to take a child to the doctor.
I realized that I, in many ways, have also subscribed to hiding domestic life in order to appear "professional" and like a player in the coaching and entrepreneurial space. So, today, I am going to out myself, and I invite you to do the same by either replying directly to this email or posting your thoughts on the Corporate Rebel HQ Facebook page. I'd love for us to celebrate together all the great hobbies and connections that make you a whole and frankly, more interesting professional.
Through openly celebrating all aspects of yourself, you are modeling how to make work a kinder, more human place.
Here's my short list:
- I drive my children to and from school just about every day, and I schedule work around being able to do that.
- My favorite activity is baking with my children. We are a powerhouse of cookies, muffins, and waffles.
- I love working, and my favorite part of my day is picking up my children at school.
- Our family eats dinner together just about every night.
- When it's not freezing outside, I love to walk my dog in the evening.
Why am I telling you all this? Because every part of you is important and contributes to making you successful and happy. All aspects of you are welcome at work and modeling that the "personal is professional" makes for more human workplaces.
Here's to all parts of YOU!
P.S. Do you love the Corporate Rebel? Share it with your friends. They can join our merry little band of corporate rebels here!
P.P.S. The author's husband (of the article reference above) wrote a great follow-on to "Why Women Still Can't Have it All" called "Why I Put My Wife's Career First." You'll enjoy it. Click here.