Christmas Magic. It's Not Just for Christmas Anymore!

Time to read: A magical 49 seconds.

Christmas magic is available to you every day!

Christmas magic is available to you every day!

Greetings rebels!

Do you believe in Santa?

When my children were little, they'd ask me if Santa was real. My answer was always a fine line between my value of honesty and the fun of keeping the magic alive. My typical reply? "Well, honey. I believe in the magic of Christmas, and Santa is part of that magic."

Even though the Santa thing has been busted now that my kids are teenagers, I still believe in the magic of Christmas. Even more, I've come to realize that the magic of Christmas is actually present in every day life if you know where to look.

Do you experience magic in your every day life?

Try on these examples so you can start to find the magic, even at the office. This idea is not as woo-woo as it sounds.

  1. You think you're late to catch a flight, and the plane ends up being delayed. You make your flight.
  2. Your roof needs a repair, and you get a surprise bonus from your boss for just the amount to cover it.
  3. You're tired, crabby and lonely after a hard day at work, and your best friend from high school calls to check in.
  4. You stumble across that book in a used bookstore on... (fill in the blank)... that you've always wanted.

Sure, logic might explain these things as lucky coincidences. My husband said to me this morning when I was mooning over the magic of finding a lost password that "the googles know everything." It's possible that there's only luck or Google. And isn't it more fun to entertain the possibility that magic works in your life every day?

Look around and see what you can see.

Christmas magic all the time. Even at work. Now that's pretty awesome.

With rebely, Christmas love!


P.S. Share the Christmas magic with your colleagues and friends. They can join us here.


We need a little Christmas (and Hanukkah and Kwanza and…)!

Estimated read time: 30 seconds

I unapologetically LOVE Christmas. The lights. The music. The cookies. Kids giddy with excitement. Porcelain Christmas villages. The way people are kind to each other on the street and in stores.

For years, I said Happy Holidays to folks as a nice, inclusive seasons greeting, and I felt a little "blah" about it. Last year, I reclaimed Merry Christmas, and the spark came back. Saying "Merry Christmas" feels a little risky in our politically correct world.

I LOVE inclusion as much as I love Christmas. And here's the wonderful thing about inclusion. You can love what you love at the same time that you honor and appreciate the things other people love. Inclusion is not about watering down your own beliefs and passions so others won't feel offended. It's about embracing your beliefs and passions which gives room for others to embrace theirs. Then we all live in peace and harmony. Pretty great, huh?

I now proclaim a "Merry Christmas" to neighbors, friends, and strangers. Some people enthusiastically reply and some mumble an uncomfortable "Happy Holidays." Either way, it's great.

So, Merry Christmas to all you Corporate Rebels out there. It's been an amazing, challenging and powerful year. I hope you and yours have a wonderful time whatever you're celebrating.

Merry Christmas!


P.S. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, they can sign-up for The Corporate Rebel Video Podcast and Newsletter HERE.

P.P.S. I'm taking a couple of weeks off so next Thursday will be the first time in 18 months that there will be no newsletter. Enjoy your time off!