Still waiting….

Time to read: 46 seconds

The actual tattoo on my actual wrist

All around me I see people jumping in to DO SOMETHING. My past self was a quick responder, fast to DO, and quick to draw conclusions.

People do this at work all the time. Reorganization happens…do something! Layoffs…do something.! New management…do something! Change happens…do something!

I've learned that quick action does not always lead to the most thoughtful, effective action. At least not for me. So, I have learned to wait. Watch. Wait. Pay attention. Learn. Wait. Heal. Feel. Listen. Wait.

Then do.

I am thinking about a lot of things and will have many things to say in coming weeks. For now, I invite you to join me in waiting. There is a lot to learn.


You Have Permission To Stop

Time to read: 1 min, 1 second or 61 seconds

All ready for voters. Notice it is STILL DARK outside.

On election day, I was a poll judge from 5:00 am to 9:00 pm watching our democracy in action. All day, people voted like their lives depended on it. We had a line out the door for 10 hours, and many new registrants. The energy was high, and people were STRESSED OUT.

I appointed myself the emotional support animal and sat with voters to help them figure out proper documentation or talking them off the ledge when they had to take off their candidate hats in the polling place (that's the rules, folks). I gave everything I've got and put my best coaching skills to work in the world.

That's what it is for me. Consistency. Be the thing you want in the world, no matter who, no matter where. Nothing changes until you do.

And now, I'm exhausted. I've taken the rest of the week off and recommend that whoever you are and whatever you believe in, take some quiet time this week.