Powerful Wisdom From the CR Pop-Up Cafe

Time to read: Time for a few more words. 45 second read.

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There was a wealth of wisdom in last week's Corporate Rebel Pop-up Cafe. We talked about recovery and healing. The conversation was so good, I wanted to share it with you.

We've lived through a lot for the past few years, months and weeks. I was consulting with my favorite therapist yesterday and he said, "we are in a 2nd pandemic of mental health issues." Teens and young adults are collapsing. Adults are exhausted. I see it in my coaching clients. Therapists are full. You hear the call for healing on a national and personal level, but what does that mean for you?

The hive on the Corporate Rebel Pop-up Cafe shared what they know about recovery and healing from the challenging times in their lives. Here is their wisdom for you:

  • Time: You have to give yourself time to recover and time to heal.
  • The basics: Sleep, nutrition, movement, and quiet time (maybe meditation) are all crucial to recovery and healing.
  • Individuality: Healing is an individual process. What works for you will be different than what works for your best friend.
  • Feelings: You gotta feel 'em. Without drama or story. Simply feel your feelings. Even the despair.
  • Compassion: Mostly for yourself. Be where you are without judgment or criticism that you "should" be doing better or "should" be farther along.
  • Connection: Connect with others. Recovery and healing is better in relationship.
  • Responsibility: You have choices. You choose your path and how you will treat others and yourself as you recover and heal: with anger? with love? with violence? with patience? You choose when to get help.
  • Celebration: Celebrate your progress. Yesterday, I put on a dress. I noticed when I drove my car, I was focused in a way I haven't been for months. Those small wins are a cause for big celebration!

I'll put one final thought here: The two important first steps in recovery and healing are knowing that you need it, and giving yourself permission to put your energy toward healing, which can mean going quiet for a while or lowering the bar on "accomplishment" and "success," whatever those mean anyway.

I'd love to hear your wisdom about healing. Or your questions. Please email me and tell me what you're thinking. I always love hearing from you.

Not sure yet when the next Corporate Rebel Pop-up Cafe will be. Watch for it. I hope you can join. The conversations are always amazing and people leave feeling uplifted and calm.


OMG! Today Deserves More Than One Sentence

I'm breaking from my one-sentence commitment because the past 24 hours warrant more than three words.

Like all of you, I watched the news in horror last night.

The TV news was blaring as I made shepherd's pie for my family. The electoral college vote resumed while I was in a virtual college counseling meeting for my high school junior. I caught up on the news before retiring to bed at 10:00.

It's a weird juxtaposition to be eating salad while members of congress are swept out of their chamber to undisclosed locations.

This morning, I walked my dogs, listened to news podcasts and thought about what to say. Three words came to mind:

  1. Attention: Pay attention. Witness what is happening. Let your emotions move through you. Last night, I wanted to eat bread and ice-cream and disappear. Numbing is not the answer. Keep your eyes open. Stay awake and conscious. See the world out there and yourself in here.
  2. Equanimity: Equanimity is the state of mental calm and a strong core, even in the face of extreme difficulty. In my morning meditation today, our teacher talked about "strong back, soft front," the combination of equanimity and compassion. Find your inner calm in the midst of the chaos. Your world needs your steady presence.
  3. Routine: Daily life must continue. You are a powerful human. You can handle complexity. You can do hard things. You can still eat salad and walk your dog. Routine brings comfort and like the United States Congress who got back to work within hours of personal terror, routines and rituals mean something. You can stand on the bedrock of your routines when your inner and outer world feel shaky.

I certainly don't profess to have all the answer in the midst of a complicated and painful situation.

And, I hope this is helpful.



Time to read: 15 seconds. Time to mark your calendar: 3 seconds

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Let's hang out!

Join me this Friday (Jan 8) for a Corporate Rebel Pop-up Cafe at 10:00 am CT (8:00 am PT, 11:00 am ET).

Grab your coffee. Grab your tea. We'll spend 60 minutes this Friday focused on generating hope and plans for 2021. We're emerging from the holidays and putting 2020 in the rearview mirror. Let's discuss!

This is a free drop-in event. You don't have to sign up.

Just show up in this Zoom room at 10:00 am Friday Jan 8. There will be conversation, Q&A, connection, and certainly laughter.

Join Zoom Meeting below:


Meeting ID: 982 4693 8870

Passcode: 303400

One tap mobile

+16468769923,,98246938870#,,,,*303400# US (New York)

+13017158592,,98246938870#,,,,*303400# US (Washington D.C)

Please invite your friends and anyone you think would enjoy some connection this Friday morning.

Reach out with questions.

See you Friday!