Difficult Conversations: How To Prepare

Time to read: 1 minute, 23 seconds

I don't take photos of people in conflict so you're gonna get random pictures of my pets. :-)

Last week, I talked about handling your emotions so you can enter a difficult conversation as cleanly as you can.

A comment about your emotions: That advice assumes, of course, that you have time to give yourself space (for example: when informing an employee they won't be getting a raise). You may find yourself delivering bad news in an emergency (for example, "Dad is in the hospital!"). The same conversational structure applies, and you may not have time to temper your own emotions before you make the phone call.

When you have time, I highly recommend preparation. Think about these things:

  • What is the purpose of the conversation?
  • What do you hope you and the other person will get out of it?
  • What will you say?
  • How will you say it?
  • Who do you want to be in the conversation?

I recommend writing a script for yourself or at least some thoughts. It's not like you have to walk in with a set of notecards. And, it helps to know the point you want to make, the important information to convey, and how you want to conduct yourself.

Your script might look like this:

  • Conversation with sister.
  • Goal, get aligned on care for our parents. Stay in a relationship when we don't see eye-to-eye.
  • Opening sentence: It's clear we both love our parents. What I'm about to say may be hard to hear. Please stay with me as we work through this emotional situation.
  • Being: Be loving and slow down. Remember to listen and value what she says. Connect, even when it's hard.

Preparation will make the conversation go smoothly (although, coming soon…you have no control over how the other person responds).

Next week: How to open the conversation

Please reach out anytime with your questions and comments. I love to hear from you! Email me here.

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Difficult Conversations: Where To Start?

Time to read: 1 minute, 16 seconds

Welcome to the series on difficult conversations! I'm going to take you step-by-step through the anatomy of a hard conversation. By the end, you'll have a complete toolkit for how to prepare, what to say, and how to handle the other person (people) as well as yourself.

This series addresses how to deliver bad news, handle conflict and bad feelings, or say things that are hard to hear. I'll address both personal and professional conversations, give examples, and offer scripts you can lift from the page and try in your life and work.

Where to start? Oh right…at the beginning.

Let's assume you have a situation like this:

  • Telling a client you are raising their rates
  • Delivering a bad performance review
  • Delivering any kind of bad news
  • Pushing back on your boss or colleague
  • Handling a friend or family member who has hurt you

Your first step is to prepare yourself. In any situation where you have been hurt or have to deliver unpopular news, you will have feelings and reactions. You may be:

  • Nervous
  • Angry
  • Afraid
  • Dreading
  • Nauseous
  • Betrayed
  • Sad

So your first step is get clean with yourself. Find a place to experience your feelings: talk to a friend, cry in your car, scream in the shower, twist a towel. Do what you need to do to handle your feelings so they don't muddy the conversation.

Please don't expect to feel GREAT when you deliver bad news. You just don't want to be in reaction.

So, the first step is give yourself some time and space to handle your feelings so you can enter the conversation clean.

Next week: How to prepare

As this series rolls out, if you have questions, please reach out anytime, email me . I love to hear from you!


You All Are The BEST!

Time to read: Less than a minute

Wow…you all brought it. You told me what you need, and I have a loooong list of great topics to share with you. Here's a sample:

  • Guilt
  • Time management
  • Emotional regulation
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Challenging and motivating a high-performing team
  • How to transition jobs
  • Growing leaders
  • Coping skills

Managing difficult conversations was a popular option so that will be the first topic, starting next week. A few of you asked how to have difficult conversations across divides. Gotta think about that one. I appreciate the challenge.

If you have friends or colleagues who would benefit from any of these topics, they can join this newsletter here.

If you didn't get a chance to tell me what you need, there's still time! Email me here.

Stay tuned. Difficult conversations starting next week.