Time to read: 30 seconds. If you listen to my story on the Moth, 4 minutes and 53 seconds.
Remember this?
Hey Rebels!
My Moth story is finally ready for prime time! Beyond a small handful of family and a couple of friends, you are the first people to see it.
Besides being fun, why does this Moth story matter to you? Here's why:
Getting on that stage...
- is a tale of triumph over fear.
- demonstrates that you can choose how you feel. (i.e. I chose fun and excitement over terror.)
- shows that it's possible to step away from the need to prove yourself and still get amazing results. In fact, you will get better results with less energy and more calm.
- proves that you can do new things. New hard things. New scary things.
Doing this story was one of the most courageous and sublime experiences of my life and sharing it with you feels tender and vulnerable. I'm glad we've built the kind of relationship over the years that makes sharing something like this possible.
So, if this Moth story is a metaphor for your triumph over fear, what will you do?
Email me and tell me all about it. I love to hear from you.
With Rebel Love,
P.S. Feel free to pass the story around to any of your friends you think would enjoy it.