Time to read: less than one minute because you have s*$% to do!
Imperfection at its finest.
Hello rebels!
To say that the past couple of weeks have been slammed would be an understatement. See if any of this sounds familiar to you...
- My children are off for the summer. Bye-bye routine. Hello daily unpredictability and chaos.
- I have daily client calls and meetings and have to take some of them from my bedroom because of see #1.
- We're taking a trip next week so everything has gotten crammed into this week.
- My BFF and I are launching a project for y'all in August and spent yesterday shooting videos.
- A volunteer job requires hours of emails and organizing.
- There's always a dose of interpersonal drama that sucks time and energy when you work with other people.
- Then there's just regular life: showering, walking the dog, making food, cleaning.
Can you relate?
In weeks like this, the name of the game is "get s#*$ done."
So, how do you get your s*@# done with quality, efficiency and speed?
Keep this one simple moto in mind:
Completion over perfection.
In shooting the videos, Anne and I stumbled over our words sometimes. Did we shoot each video 10 times to get it perfect? NO! We declared our stumbling charming and human and moved to the next video.
I usually have this newsletter written by Tuesday afternoon. Here it is, Thursday morning, and I'm slamming it out before my children wake up. Am I beating myself up for not making my internal deadline or considering letting it go this once? NO. I woke up, chose a topic, and started writing.
Be thoughtful. Do good work. Meet your deadlines (or communicate well if you won't). Don't spend hours dotting every "i" and crossing every "t." Your 80% is good enough. Otherwise, perfection will make you insane. We're not fans of insanity here at the Corporate Rebel.
Get 'er done and move on.
I hope this helps.
P.S. Do you know someone who gets stuck in perfection and doesn't complete stuff efficiently, or at all? Share this article with them and they can sign up to join us here.