Estimated read time: 2 minutes.
Here's one of my favorite images from the interviews. This one will be live in July. Don't we look like we're having fun?!
We've established that I have busted my butt for the last three months producing the amazing Corporate Rebel Series.
What I really wanted this afternoon was a nap. I didn't have it in me to do one more thing.
What I needed to do was conduct another interview and write this newsletter. To say that I didn't feel like it would be an understatement.
This got me thinking about you and all the times you don't feel like (fill in the blank).
Another story: When I was in a leadership program a few years ago we had to do all these terrifying things high in the trees, where we could, like, fall and die.
One of them was this balance beam that felt like it was 6 stories tall. We had to get from one tree to the other by walking the balance beam. As I was scooching across, legs shaking, stomach hurting, doing everything I could not to look at the ground (oh so far down there), our leader yelled out, "This is what commitment looks like!" My first thought was, "Nah. I'm a mess." Then I got it. That moment has stuck with me ever since.
Commitment is not pretty. It's not certainty. Commitment does not require you to feellike it. Commitment requires you to show up even when you don't feel like it.
Commitment requires you to focus on your purpose, your bigger reason for being. For me that means remembering the people in offices who are wondering if they are crazy... who crave the freedom to be themselves while still succeeding at work.
So I put on my mascara, conducted an awesome interview with an expert on executive presence and sat down to write this newsletter. This work matters. Yourwork matters. Let the mattering carry you forward even when you don't feel like it.
P.S. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, they can sign-up for The Corporate Rebel Video Podcast and Newsletter HERE.