Time to read: 18 seconds
She owns it without apology
Welcome to week 16 of your summer challenge!
It's our last week! Sniff. It's been a wonderful summer with you. I've loved all the emails and stories and successes.
I hope you've loved this challenge as much as I have. And we're not done. Here is one more challenge for you:
This week, please look back and give yourself credit. If you want, you can use this summer challenge to practice. Look back over the past 15 weeks and give yourself credit for the things you've tried, the shifts you've made, the learning you had. Even if you only did one thing, give yourself credit.
If you want to amp up this week's challenge, look back at your career or other aspects of your life and give yourself credit - for making good decisions with the information you had at the time (even if they didn't work out), for taking good care of yourself, for creating a fulfilling life (most of the time).
You get to take credit for what you've created (even the painful lessons along the way).
You deserve it.