Welcome to week 8 of your summer challenge!
I hope you gave doing nothing a try last week. Honestly, it's one of the most powerful things that my over-performing self can do.
Then, when you choose to do nothing, something happens, at least at first.
You feel uncomfortable.
If you are someone who reaches for control or who has a lifetime of believing you must act/solve/speak up/do, experimenting with doing nothing can be excrutiating.
I am certain that I have the exact advice my kids need (I am a coach, after all), or that I know what will fix any problem. I am a woman of action, so doing nothing can be so hard it hurts.
And yet, almost always, if I do nothing long enough, the problem resolves itself or the important conversation naturally emerges in daily life without force or urgency. A more effective resolution emerges without any effort. It's like a miracle every time.
So, be in your discomfort. Here's the important question:
Are you doing what you're doing because it's necessary or because you are trying to assuage your discomfort?
You are strong enough to handle the discomfort. This week, simply notice your discomfort, and your urge to run from it. Next week, I'll give you a strategy or two to manage it.
If you're enjoying this challenge, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is
sign up here.
I'd say have fun, and I know that this week is important but not fun.
You've got this!