Challenge #10: What Would You Do If….?

Time to read: 15 seconds!

Get to the front of the line at the Mona Lisa!

Welcome to week 10 of your summer challenge!

Today is short and sweet. Here is one of my all time favorite questions:

What would you do if you trusted yourself?

See what happens when this question guides your week.

If you're enjoying this challenge, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. They can sign up for it here.

Trust yourself!


Challenge #9: A Bigger Picture

Time to read: 30 seconds!

Welcome to week 9 of your summer challenge!

You've spent two weeks learning to manage doing nothing. Isn't it weird that something as seemingly easy as doing nothing can be so hard?

This week's challenge will support your nothingness.

Hold a bigger picture.

Clients bring me all kinds of situations - relationships with bosses, struggles with children, hard feedback, the challenges of leading through change, life transitions (divorces, job changes, moves), big promotions. Their starting question is usually, "What do I do?"

I assure them that we will definitely talk about what to do. Coaching leads to action. And, the pathway to action is to get out of the weeds. By putting down the details of who said what or who did what to whom, clients fly up 10,000 and look at the situation from a much bigger picture.

  • Who do you want to be?
  • Who are you becoming?
  • What's important to you in the situation?
  • What's the lesson this situation is showing you?
  • How is this situation part of the larger work of your life?

For example, maybe you are struggling to get a promotion you want. What is this sitaution showing you?

  • Is about claiming and holding your value?
  • Quieting the over-acheiver?
  • Holding your strong core and not comparing your career to other people's?

When you see the bigger picture of any situation, you will have more options. Give it a try this week and let me know how it goes!

If you're enjoying this challenge, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is sign up here.

You've got this!


Challenge #8: What happens when you do nothing?

Time to read: 30 seconds!

So uncomfortable

Welcome to week 8 of your summer challenge!

I hope you gave doing nothing a try last week. Honestly, it's one of the most powerful things that my over-performing self can do.

Then, when you choose to do nothing, something happens, at least at first.

You feel uncomfortable.

If you are someone who reaches for control or who has a lifetime of believing you must act/solve/speak up/do, experimenting with doing nothing can be excrutiating.

I am certain that I have the exact advice my kids need (I am a coach, after all), or that I know what will fix any problem. I am a woman of action, so doing nothing can be so hard it hurts.

And yet, almost always, if I do nothing long enough, the problem resolves itself or the important conversation naturally emerges in daily life without force or urgency. A more effective resolution emerges without any effort. It's like a miracle every time.

So, be in your discomfort. Here's the important question: Are you doing what you're doing because it's necessary or because you are trying to assuage your discomfort?

You are strong enough to handle the discomfort. This week, simply notice your discomfort, and your urge to run from it. Next week, I'll give you a strategy or two to manage it.

If you're enjoying this challenge, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is sign up here.

I'd say have fun, and I know that this week is important but not fun.

You've got this!


Challenge #7: Nothing

Time to read: Almost nothing!

In th spirt of nothing, there is no photo.

Welcome to week 7 of your summer challenge!

The first few weeks were about physical habits and clearing space. For the next few weeks, you'll turn your attention to habits of mind and ways to support calming your nervous system so you'll feel less stressed and more aligned with yourself.

I'm going to share the best strategies I teach my clients.

Today is a fan favorite.

Do nothing.

For the next week, notice when you have the urge to do something and see what happens when you pause, wait, and do nothing.

Sometimes it takes the sheer force of your will to stop the urge to act. This is not to say that action is bad or you should never take action. In fact, action is a future challenge. And for this week, see what solutions and resolutions emerge organically when you pause and do nothing.

As always, I love to hear your stories. Send me an email and tell me what you notice.

If you're enjoying this challenge, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is sign up here.
