Time to read: 1.05 minutes
This is the second time my dishwasher has been featured in a newsletter.
Happy New Year!
It's 2020.
Chaos is the name of the game. My clients are experiencing chaos. I'm experiencing chaos. Do these examples feel familiar?
- The dishwasher broke down.
- Your child showed up to the class he's registered for and discovered he's not registered.
- The scope on a work project crept over the holidays, and everyone on the team is confused about their role.
- You're not sleeping well.
- People are sick.
Here's the good news. Early January is a period of transition. Life doesn't immediately go back to "normal" on January 1st. The promise of the New Year doesn't take off on January 1st. It will take you a few days to a week to feel like the ground is solid under your feet again.
So, what's a Corporate Rebel to do in the chaos of transition?
- Get to know and accept your process. You have a process that guides you safely through a transition. Some parts of your process may not be pretty. Mine involves a major freak-out/melt down. A friend's involves apathy. Move through your process (even the messy bits) with acceptance and grace. After my melt-down, I have a day of super efficiency. It's like a storm blows through, clears the debris, and sets the runway for take-off.
- Be patient. Transitions aren't a one and done. Give yourself time to get back on your feet after taking time off.
- Take one step at a time. You'll find a firm foundation one email at a time. One meeting at a time. All you have to do is write that one proposal. Send that one inquiry. Call that one person. Pretty soon you'll be on a roll.
Then it will be spring break, and you can come home from vacation and do it all again.
Mid-January through the end of February are the perfect time to reflect on 2019 and create an intentional plan for 2020. If you'd like to talk about a powerful 2-session process to guide you through reflection and planning, hit reply to this email and we'll set up a quick time to chat.
Welcome back, Rebels!
P.S. Do you have a friend or family member who is transitioning to the new yea? Share my blog with them. If they choose to receive more, they can join us here.
P.P.S. The New Year is the perfect time for a Corporate Rebel Strategic Plan for Work and Life OR a Corporate Rebel Year End Reflection and Plan. Both offer the chance to reflect on 2019 and plan for 2020. Email me for more info.