Time to read: 1.08 minutes
More photos of my pets. :-)
Welcome to week 4 of Job Searching for Corporate Rebels!
Networking. What does that word inspire for you? Fear? Insincerity? Fakeness?
You're not going to use the word anymore. Erase that word from your job search vocabulary. Go on, toss it out.
I'll wait.
If you are only scrolling online job openings and submitting applications, you are not taking full advantage of opportunities. (One caveat: If you are an industrial engineer applying for jobs in industrial engineering, then maybe online applications will work). For everyone else, a personal, relational approach will amp up your results.
Last week, I talked about building momentum. Personal interaction is the way to do that. This means live conversations with real people. The people can be anyone…your family, close friends, colleagues past and present, even strangers.
"I don't want to bug people," you say.
Here's the thing: People love dispensing advice. They love being the one who has finally made it to a place where they have something to offer. And, if they don't want to talk or don't have time, they won't. There's no harm in reaching out. You never know who holds the key to your next opportunity.
Ideally, you've kept in touch over the years. Even if you haven't, it's ok.
You arrive to the conversation prepared with questions about their career, what you are looking for, and what ideas they have for you.
Then you listen. After you've had the business conversation, then you ask about their kids, vacations, and other personal stuff. You'll have more time for a fun, personal check-in.
Today's Hot Tip: Here's a script for an email:
"Hey XYZ, It's been a while since we've connected. I was laid off in December and am starting a job search. I'm reaching far and wide for advice and ideas. Would you be willing to chat with me for 30 minutes?"
Today's Bonus Hot Tip: Be prepared to say yes to a chat with an old friend or an old friend's child about their job search in the future. Pay it forward!
Next week I'm going to tell you the #1 question to ask.
If you have a friend or colleague who is job-seeking, share this blog article with them. They can subscribe here to receive the whole series.