A Quote to Ponder...

Time to read: 10 seconds. It's spring! Use the extra 60 seconds to get outside.

I was at a retreat last week, and one of our leaders quoted a poem. She said it was Rumi, and I couldn't find the attribution. The quote is perfect food for thought after the past two years. I thought you would like it:

"A bell has rung to wake you up. Don't go back to sleep."

I'd love to hear what comes up for you when you hear this. Email me here and let me know!

My newsletter is for everyone! They can sign up here.


When You're Uncomfortable, Do This….

Time to read: 36 little seconds

Kids off to college!

My clients are changing careers, managing large teams through murky corporate restructuring, contemplating retirement, supporting their own businesses, and starting new jobs. People are approaching weddings, family drama, and children leaving home for college. As you've probably heard and felt yourself, it's a lot.

What do all these things have in common? They make you uncomfortable.

Most of these changes are good things… eventually. The road to get there is paved with uncertainty which can lead to fear, powerlessness, and the urge to do something.

Doing something to stave off discomfort leads to these kinds of choices:

  • over-performing
  • drinking
  • drama and conflict
  • avoiding
  • denial

Let's just say, these aren't the most effective choices and each one carries its own undesirable consequences. You have another option when you feel uncomfortable.


This doesn't mean stick around in a bad situation. Stay means remain alert, keep going, pay attention, know you can live with your discomfort, and trust yourself to know when it's time to act.

Just stay

It's simple. Easy. Costs nothing.

Do you have a friend or colleague who is trying to live in a blender of change? Please forward this blog to them. They can sign up for it here.


This Is What Easy Looks Like!

Time to read: 53.57 seconds on my stopwatch

A client, we'll call her Susie,* came to me frustrated and sad. It had been 9 months since she left her job during Covid. She needed a break. One month, became two which became nine. She started to worry that she wouldn't find the right fit or that she'd have to go back to the unsatisfying work she was doing before. She was apathetic and filled with self-doubt.

Job searching is brutal, especially if you are changing fields or changing careers. Uncertainty does a number on your self-confidence.

In years of experience as a coach, I know that the path to finding a job is a magical combination of working on yourself and taking strategic steps that bring positive energy to the search. Susie and I worked on her self-doubt and motivation. She resolved some tired old stories that were not serving her.

Susie called me excited last week. She landed a thrilling new job that starts right away. The role is a perfect fit. Susie loves the industry, sees a future for herself and said, "My confidence is back!"

How did she get this job? Did it come from struggle and worry and hard work?

Nope. She sent an email. One email to someone she had spoken to a few years ago. He was happy to hear from her, told her of an opening in the company, she applied and was hired. The whole process was easy.

When I asked her what she learned from this experience she said, "I can trust easy things. Ease is real."

There it is. Ease is real. I see it all the time. Clients struggle and worry and wring their hands until a magical moment happens when the perfect job and the perfect candidate find each other. When that happens, everyone wins.

Ease is real, and it's not just for job hunting. Ponder that concept.

If you have a friend who is job hunting, contemplating a career change or simply needs some ease in their life, please forward this artcile to them. They can sign up for my newsletter here.

What Are You Waiting For?

Time to read: A nice short one. 43 seconds.

My clients have said things recently like:

  • "I'll retire next year when…."
  • "I'll look for a new job when…."
  • "I'll go visit that old friend when…."
  • "I'll move to my dream city when…."

When is when? This thinking operates on a fallacy that there is more money, time, and motivation in the future than there is in the present. This fallacy keeps you waiting, but for what?

The future is built upon who you are and what you do with this minute, this hour and this day.

So instead of looking to a false future that you think holds all your dreams and desires, ask yourself what you can do now to bring your current reality closer to your dreams and desires. If you want more fun and freedom in the future, what can you do this minute to have more fun? If your future self is carefree and calm, how do you become carefree and calm today?

This is a simple concept with wide-reaching impact. If you have a minute, I'd love to hear you what you think. Hit reply to share your thoughts.

If you are one of the many people who forwards my blog articles to your friends and colleagues, please make sure they know they can sign up for my newsletter by emailing me here.

Be well.