Living With Chaos: You Have Agency

Time to read: 48 seconds. I timed it.

Welcome to week 2 of Living with Chaos. If you are enjoying this series, please share it with your people. They can join here.

The second part of the You Have No Control lecture is that you have agency, ownership and responsibility. For everything. Your health, relationships, career, attitude, feelings, choices. It looks like this:

  • You don't control if your teen does her homework. You have agency over how you relate to your teen.
  • You control aging (yours or someone else's). You have responsibility for how you care for yourself and your attitude as you age.
  • You don't have control over a layoff. You have ownership over how you respond and what you do next.

So how does this relate to chaos? There is so much about national politics, your career, your family etc that you don't control. However, you have all the agency to decide what you will and won't do, how you speak to others, and the ways you do or don't give power to the chaos of human life.

For the next 3 weeks, I'll share one strategy a week for dealing with chaos. More to come!