Wanna Know Why I Hate New Year's? - Part 2

Time to read: 15 seconds

Sparkly 1950s necklace, cuz, why not?

Last week I offered a twisted Happy New Year, cuz, well, I hate New Year's.

However, I do think reflection and intention setting each year is fun and helpful. I personally do an in-depth performance evaluation of my year and then set intentions and goals. I'm a coach so, of course, I do stuff like this.

You can keep it simple. Find one word to steer 2025. Imagine how different your year will be with one of these as your word: simplify, freedom, focus, connection.

Do you see how one word can flavor the atmosphere for your entire year and drive experiences and choices?

This new year, choose one word for 2025 and see what happens. Please email me and tell me all about how it works out!

Happy New Year, again!