Practices That Change The World #7

Time to read: 56 seconds

2023 started intensely. Chaos. Crisis. Emotions. No pause or time to breathe. Last week I finally had a chance to breathe, recover, and reflect.

For today's "practices that change the world," I am going to start with a story. (My parents granted me permission to tell it.)

My mother made an emergency trip to the hospital two weeks ago. I got THAT phone call and in 20 minutes was showered, packed and in the car to the airport. If you've ever done this, you know what the next week was like. (For all you caring folks, my mom is home and doing well.)

In the middle of it all, we received disappointing news that meant more days in the hospital. We were discouraged and sad.

I was the chief note-taker and candy striper so I looked at my parents and said,

"What would make this suck 5% less?"

My parents: "answers to medical questions....going home."

Me: "Not in the future. What can I do right now that would improve this experience by 5%?"

My father said, "beer."

My mother said, "a massage."

I said, "better food."

Which brings me to today's practice....

What can you do right now...this minute...that will improve your experience by 5%?

Studies show that a beer, a massage, and better food improve your experience by 10-15%. In fact, those things created sublime moments in the midst of difficulty. When you aim for 5% better right now, you often get so much more.

I love to hear from you. What's your 5% better?

Have a great weekend!

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Practices That Change The World #6

Time to read: one minute that includes a powerful exercise that will change the world right now

I am here this week.

Today's practice is an actual practice. In the one minute it takes you to read this newsletter, you are going to do something that will change the world.


Victor Fankl said, "Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is the power to choose our response. In that response, lies our growth and our freedom."

So, right now, wherever you are...on the train, in your office, in your kitchen....Stop. Breathe. Pause. Notice. Do this for 30 seconds and see what happens.

Then if you're inspired, hit reply to this email and tell me all about it. I love to hear from you!

Have a great weekend!


Practices That Change The World #5

Time to read: 46 seconds

I promise this is not staged

A client named Leslie retired on December 30, 2022 and is moving to her dream city to start her new life. We've worked together in Clarity U for 2.5 years so I've had the honor of witnessing her transformation from fear (Will I have enough money? Who am I without my career?) to joy. (I'm moving to Santa Fe! I have a new house!)

On a group call today, she offered her writing and inspired today's pracitice to change the world.

Embrace change

The fact is, everything changes. When you welcome change, life becomes easier. I hope you are as inspired as I am by Leslie's beautiful words:

What falls away as I age to reveal the beauty in the now.

  • Striving becomes being
  • Planning becomes allowing
  • Impatience becomes contentment
  • Hurrying becomes peaceM
  • Achieving becomes loving what is
  • Wanting becomes accepting
  • Yearning becomes insight into what is important

Have a wonderful weekend!

Hello, World!

Practices That Change The World #4

Time to read: 5 seconds

Hey you!

Today is going to be very short as I am out of town dealing with a family emergency.

Here is Practices that Change the World #4.

Show up

You can't fix many things. You can't stop the march of time. You can't prevent sadness and heartache for the people you love. And it matters that you are there. That you show up. That your love is visible in your actions.

It's as simple as this: Your presence is enough.

Be well and have a good weekend.