What Are You Waiting For?

Time to read: A nice short one. 43 seconds.

My clients have said things recently like:

  • "I'll retire next year when…."
  • "I'll look for a new job when…."
  • "I'll go visit that old friend when…."
  • "I'll move to my dream city when…."

When is when? This thinking operates on a fallacy that there is more money, time, and motivation in the future than there is in the present. This fallacy keeps you waiting, but for what?

The future is built upon who you are and what you do with this minute, this hour and this day.

So instead of looking to a false future that you think holds all your dreams and desires, ask yourself what you can do now to bring your current reality closer to your dreams and desires. If you want more fun and freedom in the future, what can you do this minute to have more fun? If your future self is carefree and calm, how do you become carefree and calm today?

This is a simple concept with wide-reaching impact. If you have a minute, I'd love to hear you what you think. Hit reply to share your thoughts.

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Be well.