Want more freedom, gratitude + badassery in your life?

Estimated read time: Maybe 1 little minute.

The word badassery is fun to say so let's say it as many times as we can. Badassery, badassery, badassery.

The word badassery is fun to say so let's say it as many times as we can. Badassery, badassery, badassery.

It's Thanksgiving in the USA tomorrow, and I am so, so grateful - for my family's health, for the love that surrounds us, and for all of you. I'll be giving thanks in a big way.

The whipped cream on the pecan pie was being invited to participate in my dear friend, Sandra's, interview series, Unleash Your Inner Badass. What she calls badassery (said it again!), we in Corporate Rebel Land call rebelicious.

Thanksgiving is not a traditional gift-giving holiday, and we don't do things the traditional way around here.

Too many people settle for mediocrity, become victims of their circumstances, and simply complain about the way things are. I don’t think that’s you, though. I think you are someone who sees the value of investing in yourself, training your mind, and taking responsibility for your life and the world around you.

That's why I said yes to Sandra (and because I just downright love her). I'm careful with your time and only put things of real value in front of you. Sandra has produced a series of interviews that are fun and meaningful.

These interviews are packed with info to help you:

  • let go of what’s holding you back;
  • be more unapologetically you;
  • build a new, more badass (rebelicious), reality for yourself.

If you're too busy eating and watching the National Dog Show to catch our entertaining and real interview on Thanksgiving, no worries. It will be available for 72 hours. And all the interviews will be available starting December 1 so you can gorge yourself like a Thanksgiving feast.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


P.S. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, they can sign-up for The Corporate Rebel Video Podcast and Newsletter HERE.

Speeding toward the holidays? Stay on track with these productivity tips.

Estimated read time: 1:02.81 minutes

It sounds weird. And seriously, this tomato-inspired strategy will help you get more done starting TODAY.

It sounds weird. And seriously, this tomato-inspired strategy will help you get more done starting TODAY.

In the late fall, the pace of life and work speeds up. This year, there is much happening on the national and international stage. It can be exhausting. Things accelerate - annual reviews, holiday parties, travel, year-end analyses, family visits, and project deadlines. Does it feel like this in your world?

In response to the pace of the wider world, we are keeping things simple here at Corporate Rebel HQ.

I'll spend the next few weeks teaching you techniques for efficiency and productivity so you can focus, do excellent work, breathe, and have more time for fun and festivities.

Here's the first one, inspired by a process called Pomodoro. (Yes, the Italian word for tomato.) This super productivity strategy was developed by Francesco Cirillo who was inspired by his tomato-shaped kitchen timer.

I use a modified version of Francesco's process which you can implement immediately to make your work more productive. Here's how it works:

  1. Text or instant message a friend or colleague who will be your virtual pomodoro partner. (You can also do this process alone.)
  2. Tell your friend exactly what you are going to work on for the next 25 minutes. Choose one thing.
  3. Shut off your email, FB, and phone ringer so you can focus.
  4. Set a timer for 25 minutes.
  5. When you're both ready, text Go! and start the timer.
  6. Focus for the next 25 minutes.
  7. When the timer goes off, account your progress and/or completion to your colleague. Celebrate!
  8. Take a 5 minute break - grab coffee, step outside, throw in a load of laundry, listen to music.

Rinse and repeat as many times as you like.

I used this process to write this newsletter and am now going to take a break to make breakfast for my kids before school.

Let me know how this process works for you!

I hope this helps.



P.S. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, they can sign-up for The Corporate Rebel Video Podcast and Newsletter HERE.

Reaching across the divide

Estimated read time: 00:55.69 seconds

My friend, Ara Schmidt, created this lawn sign from one of her sidewalk drawings.

My friend, Ara Schmidt, created this lawn sign from one of her sidewalk drawings.

It's a weird day here in the USA. You may be celebrating. You may be crying. I'm shaken. Whether you are happy or sad about what happened in our election, the world has been turned upside down.

It's unsettling when the ground you thought you stood on shifts right under your feet.

It's like we all got on a train. We don't know where we're headed. Some of us chose to get on this train and some of us didn't. We all share one fact. The train is moving, and we can't get off.

However, as Corporate Rebels we know a thing or two about compassion, choices, leading in hard times, and what it means to do this life and work thing from a place of authenticity, connection, and knowing that things can be different.

My thinking is foggy, and I'm struggling for words. Here is what I've got:

You don't have to solve everything. You don't even need to be able to see the whole picture clearly - whether that is your work, your life, our nation, or the world.

You do, however, have to decide how you are going to behave and who you are going to be during this seismic shift.

Will you be curious about the people who disagree with you? Will you smile at the teenage girls in headscarves at the mall? Will you be kind to the barista, even if he gets your coffee order wrong? Will you operate in your life from love rather than fear? Will you get about the crucial work that needs to be done right here, right now in your community?

Something important has happened, and it's time for us to be alert. Maybe the solution isn't in our governments or our corporate leaders. Maybe the solution is in each of us.

Your world needs your creativity and love now more than ever.

You are the light. Go be that light in your world today.


P.S. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, they can sign-up for The Corporate Rebel Video Podcast and Newsletter HERE.

It's my birthday. I'm giving you the gift I'm giving myself

Estimated read time: 34.24 seconds.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

My 49th birthday is on Saturday, and like a small child I'm thinking about what I want. (Here's a hint: It's not Legos.)

As many of you have noticed, there's been lots of exciting new stuff happening here at Corporate Rebel HQ. All this activity has been amazing and has taken a lot of energy.

These reflections make me think of you and all the energy you pour into your work. Big projects. End of year analyses. Performance appraisal cycles. Planning for 2017. This is a time of year when the pace starts to speed toward the holidays and what's next for 2017.

It's time for a little rest.

For my birthday, I'm giving you a gift. With this email, you have full permission to rest this weekend. To shut off your email. To sleep in. To eat cake. To snuggle your 2-legged and 4-legged loves.

I am going to do the same. I told my family I want to feel the love this weekend. Breakfast in bed. Handmade cards from my kids. A quiet weekend tucked on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars.

Enjoy your weekend!



P.S. If you know someone who would like to receive this newsletter, they can sign-up for The Corporate Rebel Video Podcast and Newsletter HERE.