Time to read: 1 minute and a few seconds
This picture has nothing to do with anything. It's just something I like.
When I asked you what you need, I received many responses. I am going to work through your emails and address your questions one at a time. This week's question comes directly from a reader and has a 2-part answer.
"What I need most right now is how to give myself grace and how to handle the gazillion requests and tasks thrown at me every day. This includes focus and regaining control of my nervous system when it goes into overdrive."
Part 1 of this answer will address how to handle the gazillion requests. Part 2 will be managing your nervous system.
Do you have a gazillion requests or emails or tasks every week? Can you relate to this reader?
In our hyper connected, DM, email, text, Instagram world, people can contact you anytime, anywhere to ask for anything. Here are my best tips for managing the overload:
- Set clear boundaries. Decide when you will answer email and when you will not.
- Figure out which requests are urgent and which are important. Urgent does not always equal important. Focus on important unless urgent is truly urgent (like you will get fired if you don't reply ASAP).
- Turn off notifications so you are not constantly interrupted. Interruptions drain your mental energy.
- Manage the inflow of requests. Consider how to train the requesters. Create a process and communicate it clearly so everyone doesn't think you are on call just for them.
- You likely have more than you can accomplish in one day. Get comfortable with leaving loose ends so you can go home and enjoy other aspects of your life.
I hope this helps!