Do This Tiny Thing #5

Time To Read: 26 seconds

The days are short. It's dark at 5:00 where I live. The holidays are coming. The tiny thing #5 is perfect for this time of year.


You might also call it focus.

The point is to bring yourself into the present moment. Pause. Rest your brain. Clear your thoughts. Tap into energy and awareness that is bigger than your day-to-day. From that place, you gain surprising insights, clarity, calm and sometimes even clear direction forward.

Add a tiny mindfulness practice into your day without any expectations. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Start your day with a pause. Even if it's only 5 minutes.
  • Stop a few times during your work day and simply sit quietly.
  • Try out a meditation app. Deepak Chopra has a good one. I use 10% Happier. Others like Calm or Headspace.
  • When you do things (cook dinner, write an email, talk to your parents on the phone), do only that thing. Give it your full attention.

This tiny thing is like a balm for your brain.

Share your creative ideas in the Corporate Rebel HQ Facebook group. Comment or join here.


Do This Tiny Thing #4

Time to read: 26 seconds

Hiking in the snow

This week's tiny thing is really fun.


Your brain thrives when you do new things. That doesn't mean that everything in your daily life needs to be new. It simply means give your brain new challenges.

Here are some ideas to jog your thinking:

  • Play a game.
  • Drive a new route home from work.
  • Explore an unfamiliar area of town.
  • Cook something you've never made.
  • Read a book in a genre you don't usually choose.
  • Rearrange your furniture.

Novelty exposes you to new ideas. It helps you make connections you might not otherwise make. It keeps your brain stimulated, fresh and creative.

Share your creative ideas in the Corporate Rebel HQ Facebook group. Comment or join here.

Have a great weekend.


Do This Tiny Thing #3

Time to read: 26 seconds

Have fun moving

Today's tiny thing is move your body. I find when you use the "e" word (shhh….exercise), many people get all gummed up with joining a gym or how many years it has been since they did or how out of shape they are. A blanket of self-judgment gets layered on the lack of movement, and you have a recipe for doing nothing.

Lift the judgment, find the fun and simply choose a tiny way to move your body.

Here are some easy ways to get started:

  • Take the stairs. This one is so easy it's a cliche. Because it works.
  • Go for a walk at lunch.
  • Clean your house.
  • Get out in your garden.
  • Dance around the living room to your favorite song.

When you feel the physical and mental benefits of moving your body, you'll want to do it more. When that happens, keep going!

Share your creative ideas in the Corporate Rebel HQ Facebook group. Comment or join here.

Have a great weekend.