Time to read: 5 seconds
In any situation ask yourself, "Am I creating separation (from yourself and/or others) or am I creating connection?"
Always choose connection.
Even if it's hard.
Love to you,
Your Custom Text Here
Time to read: 5 seconds
In any situation ask yourself, "Am I creating separation (from yourself and/or others) or am I creating connection?"
Always choose connection.
Even if it's hard.
Love to you,
Time to read: the best 5 seconds
You think you lack clarity.
Try this on: You're clear. What you don't have is permission.
Love to you,
Time to read: still 5 seconds
If you feel helpless and angry, do one thing.
As always, I love to hear from you.
Time to read: yup, 5 seconds
Your ability to be with complexity creates ease in your life.
When I first learned this concept, it blew my mind. I always thought that controlling the hell out of everything created ease.
What do you think?