A vacation to Paris, although pretty great, isn't going to fix it.
One word for you. Burnout.
I hear about burnout a lot. Any of this ring true for you?
- Exhaustion
- Lack of motivation
- That sick feeling on Sunday afternoon
- Wondering if you need to quit or work at Target
A number of my clients have taken sabbaticals or in some cases, lengthly leaves which might end up lasting forever. Friends have resolved their burnout by quitting intense jobs to become baristas.
You think you can fix your burnout with a fruity drink under a beach umbrella? The thing is, when you return to work and life, all the conditions that led to your burnout are still there.
So it becomes a cycle.
Burnout, rest. Burnout, rest.
The exhaustion and lack of motivation never resolve.
Does this sound like you or someone you know?
Good news! I'm going to give you all my best tips and strategies for managing your energy at the live event, Energizing U. You'll be able to take what you learn into your life to change the conditions and resolve the exhaustion so you feel more energized and motivated in your work and life.
If you're not burned out, please come. What we're talking about has universal application wherever you are in life.
Energizing U is 11:00am - 12:00pm CT on Thursday October 26. If you want to amp up your energy and movtivation, this one's for you! Sign up here.