I've been looking for an excuse to use this picture!
Last summer, I spent three weeks in North Carolina working at my children's summer camp. (Apropos of nothing, I was the Editor-in-Chief of the child-produced camp newspaper, The Tajar Times. So fun!)
While at camp, I offered pro bono coaching to anyone who wanted it. I spent many hours coaching people in their 20s who were angst ridden over questions like, "Should I marry the guy or dump him?" "I got a degree in a field I HATE!" "Do I take this job or travel through Europe?"
I also solicited advice from the Corporate Rebel tribe and posted the following list on the staff bulletin board. Many, many young people read it and told me the advice was astute and helpful. I came across this list recently, and your advice was soooooo good, I'm sharing it here with all of you.
From Nick:
- Stretch every day.
- Read. A lot.
- Make time to explore the world. It's fascinating.
From Alastair:
Your dreams remain. Keep them top of mind even when 20 years of reality hasn't quite worked as you thought. Keep them present, and they will guide you.
I didn't.
Through coaching and refocusing, things I thought were lost to career "diversions" are now more present than they ever were before. Shocking really. But it speaks volumes toward a few things.
- Never give up hope.
- Accept that the original dream is still there but may manifest differently and in ways you can't yet imagine.
- Embrace variety beyond what you envisioned.
- Listen to your inner voice and be true to it.
So forgive yourself right now for not always knowing. Who does? And pause and listen to yourself. What do you want? Truly.
Know this - life is short. So relax, lean into your life, enjoy and focus.
From Anne
It is never too early to put your self-care first. Don't get immersed in baggage piling on your head.
Deal with issues, learn new skills, add them to your toolbelt and move on. Don't be a people pleaser. Be a YOU pleaser! Build your plate your way, set boundaries and know that it is okay to say no. Set boundaries and keep them.
With rebel love,