Do Your Beliefs Matter To Finding A Job?

Time to read: 37.5 seconds

Welcome to week 1 of Job Hunting for Corporate Rebels!

If you are not currently looking for a job, this series applies to getting promoted, staying fresh in your field, and will set you up for the day you do start a job search. Tuck these newsletters away for the future.

An effective job search is one part mindset and two parts effort. Do you ever think these things?

  • I don't know if I'm qualified.
  • My skills are so varied, no one will understand what I do.
  • I'll never find a job.
  • I wish I had taken a different path/gotten a different degree because then I'd be qualified.
  • I've wasted time.

These thoughts in your head are simply beliefs. Limiting beliefs. When you operate from beliefs like these, it is hard to motivate yourself to take action and move forward.

In my 14 years of supporting people in their job searches and careers, there is one over-arching belief that effectively propels your job search, and it's this:

Job searching is match-making. Someone out there is looking for you.

Hiring is a grueling and fraught process. Employers want to hire the right person for the role and culture. The right hire solves a problem and makes the manager's life easier. A bad hire is horrible. An employer is just as happy to find you as you are to find them.

Today's Hot Tip: Someone out there is waiting for you. You just have to find them.

Keep reading, we'll talk more about how to find them in the coming weeks.

Please reach out anytime with questions and comments. I always love hearing from you.

If you have a friend, colleague or family member who is currently looking for a job, they can click here to receive the whole series.


Job Searching 101: It's For Everyone!

Time to read: 25 seconds

I've had many, many job seekers reach out recently so I'm going to spend a few weeks giving you my best advice about job hunting.

Before you decide, "I have a job, I don't need this information," this advice is for everyone, whether you are happy in your job, looking for a job, or dreaming about your next move.

Consider yourself a job seeker, even if you have a stable job. You never know when your next opportunity will arise, the layoff will occur, your family will move, or you decide it's time for a change.

Change is the name of the game. You own your career. You want to keep things fresh, be active in your field, continue to learn and grow, meet people, and have interesting conversations. Those activities are the same whether you are actively looking for a job today or simply keeping things open for the future.

The point of today's newsletter is you are always looking for a job, even if you don't actually need one right now. I don't mean this as a high-pressure statement. Actually, keeping things fresh and staying on top of your career can be fun.

That's what I'll be talking about for a few weeks. If you have a friend or colleague who could benefit from 14 years of experience in career development and job seeking, please hit forward and share this newsletter with them. They can subscribe here to receive the whole series.


Happy New Year!

Time to read: 25 seconds

If you're like me, it takes a minute to get in the groove of the new year. I always feel a little sad about the passing of Christmas, time with family, the quiet and downtime of the holidays.

I'm still not landed in 2024. Kids are still home from college. Work is ramping up this week. Getting back to the gym. Taking steps toward a routine.

These first few weeks of January are a period of transition for many of you. (Some of you may feel like 2024 shot out like a rocket, and you're fully landed. If that's the case, awesome!)

It's ok to be in transition. Simply acknowledging that's where you are making the discomfort easier and smoother to move through.

What do you do when you still feel discombobulated? Get into action. Don't spend a lot of time thinking or wallowing. Take action to build your regular routine. Just get yourself to the gym. Make regular meals. Clean. Do the activities that help you feel grounded.

In the familiar phrase, Just Do It.

You'll feel landed in 2024 in no time.

Happy New Year!