The Secret to Getting What You Want

Time to read: 1:01.82. I timed it.


Think about things you want:

  • To be appreciated at the office
  • To feel like your work is valuable
  • To be recognized when you do a good job
  • To have some "me time" on the weekend

Keep reading. This story will show you how to get what you want:

I'm an extrovert. (Are you surprised?)

My husband and children are introverts.

My weekends look something like this:

  • Kids sleep late.
  • Daughter gets out of bed, does homework, then takes a 3 hour nap.
  • Son hangs out with friends, plays video games and emerges for food.
  • Husband does projects in the garage and works.

I'm exaggerating to make my point, and I'm lucky if there's a party or play practice or hockey game, because those involve other parents. I would die without those other parents.

I understand my family's need to recharge after a week of extroverting at school and the office. And by Sunday, I'm chewing off my own arm from a lack of stimulation. I've been known to pick fights with my kids to generate interaction. I've complained that my family does little to support my social needs.

Then one day it hit me.

Why am I waiting for my family to fulfill my social needs?

If I need to see more people on the weekends, I need to take responsibility to make that happen.

Here's the secret to getting what you want: Give it to yourself.

If you want more appreciation, appreciate yourself. If you want to feel like your work is valued, value your own work. If you want to be recognized, bring a treat and recognize the good work at your next staff meeting. If you want more "me time," claim some time on the weekend. (My house has an over abundance of "me time." Come on over. I have some to spare.)

Here's to getting what you want!

All the best,



What Is "Reasonable?" Does It Matter?

Time to read: Take a 30-second break and read on!


I was working with a client recently and in the course of our coaching, she said, "It's reasonable that I quit that committee."

Well... yes... and no.

I paused her so we could examine the word "reasonable." She had committed to quitting. (You know you who are. Yay for quitting!) And, instead of owning her values and priorities, she was hiding behind comparison to others and the benchmark of "reasonable."

Reasonable doesn't matter.

Try this on:

You're driving down the highway at 70-miles-per-hour (speed limit = 55mph). So is everyone else. You think to yourself, "it's reasonable that I'm driving 70 miles per hour. I'm keeping pace with the other drivers."

Not really.

You are choosing to drive 70. The fact that everyone else is also driving 70 is irrelevant. You may feel like "reasonable" gives you cover, and it's simply hiding behind other people to justify your choices.

So, notice the next time you make a choice and call it "reasonable." Are you giving yourself a pass for something that feels out of integrity to you? Are you missing an opportunity to take a stand for your values and priorities?

My client took a powerful stand for her values and dropped any comparison to "reasonable."

What's the stand you want to take?

Comment on the Corporate Rebel Facebook Page and tell me all about it. I love to hear from you.


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Time to read: 15 seconds. Take the extra minute you would have spent reading to pause
and celebrate something!


Hello Rebels!

It's my birthday week. Although you all will kindly and generously send me birthday wishes now that I've told you, trolling for birthday greetings isn't why I'm writing about it.

I'm writing about it because birthdays are an obvious reason to celebrate. When I worked in corporate, our department was small enough that we made homemade birthday cakes.

Birthdays are not the only reason to celebrate. In fact, there are thousands of reasons to celebrate and all of them deserve CAKE! Try these on:

  • It's Thursday! Thursday is the new Friday. Cake time!
  • You sent 100 emails today. You are a rock star of efficiency. Reward = cake.
  • You made a live phone call. Yay connection! More cake.
  • You have a staff meeting. Bring cake.
  • It's Monday morning. Celebrate the possibilities of the coming week. Cake for breakfast!
  • You got everyone off to school, fed the dog, and got yourself to the office relatively put together. Eat cake.

See how easy that is? What else can you celebrate?

Happy Everything!

Cake time!
