Time to read: 1 min, 1 second or 61 seconds
I distract myself with collecting and sharing pretty things
I distract myself with collecting and sharing pretty things. When you are anxious, sad, or overwhelmed, it is ok to stop for a while.
Often, high performing people like you feel like you must push through, keep showing up, and do more. I hear people say that the antidote for their discomfort is, "do something!" Yes to doing things. It's a great strategy.
And, sometimes, you just need to turn off your brain. Watch a stupid movie. Lay on the couch and watch BritBox mysteries (my favorite). Watch the sunset. Talk about fashion with your friends. Snuggle your dog.
It's ok…actually it's imperative…that you let your brain rest and reset. When living in uncertain times, find your distractions. Let your brain rest. So you are ready for the next round of doing.
I'd love to hear about your favorite distractions. Please email me and share!
If you have friends who are anxious and uncomfortable please point them here. They can subscribe and join the conversation.