Time to read: 55 seconds
Me, realizing something I'd forgotten
I had a realization today.
I'm sick and tired of being steeped in fear.
Fear of Covid, fear of our nation collapsing, fill in the blank on all the many things there are to fear these days. I'm tired of being awakened in the middle of the night by anxiety. I'm tired of the endless news cycle. I realized I was waiting for something, anything to come along and make it all ok.
Then I realized, whether I drown in fear or embrace life is my choice, and I want to live!
I teach that changing the circumstances of your life and career are not going to fix it. You have to look deeper. And here I was, expecting that a resolution to the debt ceiling or the eradication of Covid would make things all better.
That's not where it comes from. Nothing out there is going to make it all better. It comes from in here.
You have a choice.
When you look around your life, have you been battered by fear? Have you been waiting for that thing that will fix it? Have you been thinking that quitting your job or moving will fix it? Do you look around and see that you love your life or that the elements are there learn to love your life?
Surviving and getting by are not enough.
You are charged with the radical notion that you get to live. Be happy. Be fulfilled. Be powerful. Have impact. Have fun.
So, if you are ready to accept that the most important thing you can do right now is learn how to live, in all the messy, wonderful, challenging, beautiful, radical things that means, then I'd love to talk.
I opened a bunch of times on my personal calendar for you. Choose a time here. We'll talk about you, help you get connected to the big picture of what's important to you, and talk about whether or not Clarity U group coaching program is a good next step.
In the words of two participants from the Clarity U class of 2021:
"Before the program, I was down on myself and running a hectic life. I now feel energized knowing I have special gifts to offer to myself and others." —Training Advisor and Creative Entrepreneur
"Clarity U helped me remember who I am at my core. As a result, I made a career change after 25 years. This would not have been possible without Clarity U". — Director of Qualified Plans and Nurturer of Curiosity
Feeling tingly? Nervous? Ready to remember who you are at your core? Let's talk.