Time to read: 56 seconds
New York!
In case your life is full this week, here's the punchline:
To get what you want, ask.
My daughter and I are headed to New York City for two weeks. She's doing an internship/shadow, and I am her roadie managing logistics and food. This trip happened because she sent an email asking for help, and the person responded with generosity beyond her wildest imagination.
I'm going to admit something here….I actually discouraged her from asking because I didn't want her to be a bother. (Notice what stops you from asking.) She did anyway, and she's off to the opportunity of a lifetime. (It's a good thing my teen daughter doesn't listen to me.)
So, go ahead. Bother the person. Ask. If you don't, the answer is certainly no.
When you ask, sometimes things don't work out or the answer is no. That's ok, too. It's not about the outcome, it's about opening space for possibilities.
So, go ahead and ask. I'd love to hear what you ask for, and what happens when you do.
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