The Power of Extroverts

Time to read: 1.46 minutes (the same as the Introverts!)

Last week, this mini-series talked about the power of introverts. If you missed it, you can find it here.

The power of Extroverts is also profound. They can work a room and influence others. They bring life and energy. You often know what they are thinking…every single thought..

When you think of successful leaders, you often think of extroverts…the person who owns the stage, can spend all night working a room full of people, and the person who can talk to anyone. (Recall the first in this mini-series said that 70% of CEOs identify as Introverts).

Extroverts are all about the people. Goodness, I love people!

Superpowers of extroverts:

  • Fast thinking
  • Easy communication
  • Charming
  • Open
  • Form fast connections

If introverts get crushed, extroverts often hear messages like, "You are too much/too loud/too talkative." "You need to slow down/be quieter/stop squirming." It's demoralizing to feel like you can't show up as yourself.

If you are an extrovert, let it out Do your thing. Don't worry that you are "too much." You have a right to be naturally you. Be transparent about your needs. Sounds like this, "Hey kids, I am going to stay after the concert to socialize. If you want to head home earlier, then we should drive two cars." Also, be mindful of the needs of others. Slow down and give the introverts space but don't subsume your own needs while trying to accommodate others.

If you are an introvert, let the extroverts in your life fly. Let them socialize and talk and process. If you find them exhausting, give yourself space without dampening their spirit. Extroverts need a good listener and often that person is YOU. (See the note from my fridge above. Great advice for honoring Extroverts.)

Next week, I'm going to talk about how Introverts and Extroverts can best work together Then I'll answer all your questions!