Hitting a Wall? What Is Going On?

Time to read: short. You're tired and don't need more things to do.

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Like this one

About a week ago, I hit a wall... unmotivated, exhausted, crabby, unproductive, discouraged, and frustrated wall.

My family ate leftovers and take out. Emails went unanswered. Sleep was elusive. I could handle about one decision a day and if your need for my attention was the second or third decision that day, sorry, you'd have to wait till tomorrow.

Can you relate?

In the first few months of this pandemic, I was on fire. New programs for all of you. Cooking. Gardening. Reading. A new fish tank. Zoom calls. A few weeks ago, I published a list for the Corporate Rebel Masters (an ongoing community of people who have graduated from coaching) of the things I do to fill my energy bucket. It was an impressive and true list. If there is such a thing as winning in this pandemic, I was doing it. (Ha. My life's work to learn that my value isn't my accomplishments was apparent even in how I handle a pandemic. Can't a girl get a break?)

A few days ago, I couldn't imagine doing any of those things. Friends started calling in tears. Clients talked about low motivation and exhaustion. I was barely keeping up with the basics.

I'm eternally optimistic. I can see the silver lining in just about any cloud. A friend commented that it was disconcerting to see me be so dark when she counts on me for light.

What the heck is going on? I feared something was truly wrong with me that I wasn't coping better.

Then my friend sent this article. The term is "surge capacity." As you'll see from the psychological research the author cites, we humans are programmed to handle crises. We have resilience that enables us to handle acute stress and to surge our energy to meet it. However, that capacity is meant to be short term. We are not mentally programmed to manage a crisis that continues for months or even years.

We "surged," and now we're depleted.

Having a name for what happened to me was a great relief. I slept well last night and today, I can handle two decisions.

We're tired, folks. It's been a long road with no end in sight.

For the next few weeks, I am going to talk about how to recover and create resilience in new ways. Less accomplishment. More energy. You can get through this. You just need a different toolbox.

I'll be recovering right along with you. Please hit reply to this email and tell me how you're doing. If you're still riding high with energy, awesome. I'd love to hear what's working.

And stay tuned. I'm excited for something I have in store for you. I'll be ready to share next week.

With love,


P.S. A cool opportunity is coming next week. Keep your eyes open!


Are You Bored?

Time to read: 50 seconds of pure excitement!

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I called a friend of mine a few minutes ago. "I'm bored," I told her (despite a long to-do list). After she observed that boredom is an unusual state of being for me, she suggested I take my dog for a walk and let my brain be still.

Stillness... also an unusual state of being for me.

I tried it and am happy to report that although I still feel bored, I am moving forward. Do you know what to do when you feel bored?

Boredom is a transitional emotion. It can either take you up into optimism, joy, and contentment or down into frustration, self-judgment, and despair. You have a choice.

Here are your options:

To go down: Judge your boredom. Judge yourself for being bored. You have a long to-do list and a great life. How could you possibly be bored? Decide there is something wrong with you for being bored. You've just gotten on the fast train down. Expect to spend a good amount of time down there.

To go up: Pause and notice the normal human experience of being bored. Take a break. Simply be bored. If you're at home, watch TV (without judgment). If you're at work, take a walk or strike up a conversation. Decide on one thing you can do (clean out your email, practice a speech, make a phone call). Doing the one thing might start the engine for more things. Or it might not. Get motivated or stump along. Either is fine. Some days are like this, and it will pass.

I practiced my story for the Moth, which got my blood pumping with fear and excitement. (Remember that commitment? I'll be at the Story Slam on May 22nd.) Now I'm writing. I'm not sure if I feel motivated today or if I'm stumping along. It doesn't matter.

Either way, you're moving forward.

With rebel love,


P.S. Know someone who needs a jolt out of boredom? Forward this newsletter to them. They can sign up to be catapulted out of boredom for 1-2 minutes a week by signing up here.


When You Work In Chaos, Do These 2 Things

Time to read: 1 min. 20 seconds.
When work gives you lemons...

When work gives you lemons...

I was talking with a client recently. Let's call her Polly. (Name changed to protect the innocent.) Polly works for a huge company that for generations has been a bastion of stability and happy employees.

Until recently.

For the past two years, Polly and her team have undergone multiple rounds of layoffs, worked to bridge differing cultures with colleagues from an acquisition, and navigated what sometimes seems like daily emails announcing more departures in upper leadership. They don't know who handles decisions, where to go for funding, or even if their projects will continue to be a priority in six months. They are getting used to their "new normal" and still, it's frustrating and discouraging to do good work in daily uncertainty and chaos.

Does this sound familiar to you? (Keep reading. I'll tell you what to do about it.)

Polly asked me, "will we ever have stability again?" (She knows I spent 5 years in this very environment. We had 3 CEOs in five years. Talk about chaos and ever-changing priorities.)

The answer to Polly's questions is yes... and...

It could be years before the company starts to chug along like a well-oiled machine. It takes a long time to redirect a big ship after a series of tsunamis. The company I worked for started to stabilize after 6-7 years.

In our conversation, Polly and I uncovered 2 excellent strategies for working in, and even thriving in, an ever-changing work environment. With her permission, here they are:

  1. Every morning, say to yourself, "I choose to be here." The fact is, you decide if you can tolerate the chaos or not. If you keep showing up at the office, you are signing up for whatever the company is dishing up that day. Knowing that you choose to stay is liberating. And, if you choose to go (which was my choice), that is liberating, too.
  2. Make lemonade. Seriously. Times of change and chaos need leaders - at all levels. Your company needs YOU. In the midst of the confusion are opportunities for you to step up and lead. Polly walked away from our session chanting this mantra:

    "Be the thing you are wishing for."

If no one is making decisions, you make decisions. If no one knows the priorities, you set your priorities. You may get it wrong. (So what? Sitting around worrying about the future is not advancing your career or making you happy so what have you got to lose?) More likely, you will shine as a leader and initiator and people will notice.

You've got this.

I hope this helps.


P.S. If you are working in chaos and want to chat about it, reach out to me anytime: christina@boydsmithcoaching.com

P.P.S. If you just had drinks with friends who complained all night about the chaos at their workplace, forward this email to them. They can sign up to join us here.