Challenge #14: Own It!

Time to read: 18 seconds

She owns it without apology

She owns it without apology

Welcome to week 14 of your summer challenge!

Today is another short, sweet, and powerful challenge.

We've been talking about action with full permission and full responsibility. This week, I want you to own it. Whatever "it" is for you. Here is what that might look like:

  • Graciously accept a compliment
  • Drop the apology (unless you truly mess up, of course)
  • Claim a weird little habit and make it part of your "brand"
  • Make a choice and stick by it without justification
  • Tell a positive story about yourself in conversation
  • Wear what you love and walk around like you're worth a million bucks

If you're enjoying this challenge, please invite your friends and colleagues to join you. All they have to do is sign up here.

Have fun with this one!


How Wide is Your Shadow?

Time to read: 33 seconds

I drew this. I have never drawn anything in my life and lately, I've discovered the wonders of drawing.

Here's my skinny on leadership: Leaders take responsibility for their world. Everyone is a leader 24/7. That means you. All the time.

Why am I talking about leadership today?

You are a leader…at the office (regardless of your role), at the grocery store, in your family, and in your community. Each of us is responsible for our corner of the universe, and part of my leadership is helping you define your world and learn to take ownership of it. Your shadow combined with the other 2999 Corporate Rebel shadows adds up to an awful lot of goodness in the world.

That matters. A lot.

And we've been tired. Exhausted even. Taking responsibility for even one more thing has felt impossible. And, we're creeping back. Slowly. I invite you to consider one small way that you can take more ownership/responsibility for your corner of the world. Here are some ideas:

  • Have that hard conversation to clean up an important relationship.
  • Examine the places you are short-tempered and address them.
  • Rest so you have good energy for your life and work
  • Create something

I haven't had the energy to create anything new for close to two years. (Remember all the great free offerings at the beginning of the pandemic? Daily calls. Short courses. Oh, how I miss seeing you.) I've taken responsibility for many corners of my world and finally, I have bandwidth to create again. For YOU!

Next week I'm announcing something awesome, and free, and meaningful, and awesome, and free for you. Bear with me for a few weeks. I'm excited to finally have something to give you. You're gonna get an email or two about this. Watch your inbox next week. It's coming!


Remove This Word And Change Your Life

Time to read: 1 minute, 15 seconds

I was talking with a client this week, and he said something like,"If I just control the information that goes out, things will go smoothly." Every time I hear this word I reply with, "let's make a tiiiiiny adjustment to one word."

The word is….


Boo. Hiss. Erase. Delete. Gone forever.

Control is an illusion. When you believe the illusion, control leads to inflexibility over possibility, outcome over process, reaction over responsibility, and separation over connection. Striving for control limits your view, feeds unhealthy competition, and is quite ineffective.

Instead of control, try one of these words: ownership, responsibility, influence, power.

Back to the example: What's different if you have ownership of the information that goes out? Or if you have influence over it? Ownership and influence give you power. They put you in the driver's seat. They recognize that you are responsible for your side of the fence and help you get clear about what's yours. Ownership and influence lift you from responsibility for what happens on the other side.

Deleting and replacing the word will help you, over time, delete and replace the energy of control and set you up to embrace the ease that brings.

Try it and then email me what happens!

I love to hear from you. Email me