Spread Joy!

Time to read: 53 seconds

I was working with a leadership team last week, and after hours of exercises and reflection, they were preparing to declare their personal commitment to the team.

They asked for examples and I said, "The commitment I make everywhere I go and whatever I'm doing is to spread joy." I believe that a positive attitude is revolutionary. Cynicism of other people and institutions is rampant, and it's not an effective way to build community and connection.

It's easy:

  • Say a kind thing to every service worker, all day
  • Openly appreciate your family
  • Express gratitude to your colleagues
  • Compliment people

The easiest words ever:

  • Thank you
  • I am grateful for....
  • It's great that you....
  • That project was tough and you knocked it out of the park.

As JFK said, "A rising tide, lifts all boats." What commitment do you make to raise the tide?

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