Wanna Know Why I Hate New Year's? - Part 2

Time to read: 15 seconds

Sparkly 1950s necklace, cuz, why not?

Last week I offered a twisted Happy New Year, cuz, well, I hate New Year's.

However, I do think reflection and intention setting each year is fun and helpful. I personally do an in-depth performance evaluation of my year and then set intentions and goals. I'm a coach so, of course, I do stuff like this.

You can keep it simple. Find one word to steer 2025. Imagine how different your year will be with one of these as your word: simplify, freedom, focus, connection.

Do you see how one word can flavor the atmosphere for your entire year and drive experiences and choices?

This new year, choose one word for 2025 and see what happens. Please email me and tell me all about how it works out!

Happy New Year, again!


Today Is One Word (Plus a few more)

Time to read: 10 seconds

Last week I invited you to consider where you have fun and where you can have more. This week, here is a place to look to expand your fun.

What did you like to do as a child?

Did you like to day dream? Play fantasy games? Build things? Have tea parties? Collect? Look waaaay back and find hints to fun activities you might want to bring back into your life, maybe in new ways.

When I was a child, I spent hours and hours in my grandparent's attic, digging through boxes, enjoying the treasure hunt and the beautiful old things. I used to wonder if digging through attics could be a job. As I grew up, I forgot about it.

Fast forward 45 years. A side hustle has grown up around my hobby of vintage costume jewelry. I'm now sourcing vintage items to order for friends and neighbors. I dig through the grandma's attic at estate sales to find the treasures for other people. It's a blast. My old childhood play has transformed into a new adult joy.

What did you do as a child? I can't wait to hear all about it! Email me